I elected to enroll in IR's FSA account option for 2010 and elected to put $1500.00 in the what sounded like a good option. I paid $127.00 into the account for 11 months, because even the month that I was let go, they still deducted that amount out of my check, although they had my card cut off on the 11th when I was departed from the company. Any claims I then had to pay out of my pocket and ask to be reimbersed for the amounts, and that I could claim any outstanding claims which I don't have, I am basically losing $550.00 because IR will not release my funds to wageworks who is the program administrator. I then elected Cobra coverage, and I was told from IR Employee Services that the FSA money could be used to purchase the Cobra premiums, so that was cool, but that was also misleading because in order to continue your FSA with Cobra, you have to elect to continue contributing the $127.00 a month or you have not elected. So I would have to pay them $127.00 for the month of December when it is already the 22nd and then I wouldn't even be able to use those funds to pay for my cobra. Basically, I asked them if they could return the money to me as a paycheck and tax it, I was LET GO from the company, I didn't ELECT to leave, why should they be able to keep the money I deposited into that account and if I were still with the company would be able to use that money at this time, it is a complete SCAM and I suggest not getting pulled into the hype. It is also ridiculous to get claims approved through wageworks, they ask for receipts that even dr.'s offices do not have or able to produce, it is a constant fight.
A Frustrated Person...