This company called my neighbor, although I am listed under a P.O. Box, and asking questions about me. I barely know my neighbor so it was ackward when he came to me saying a bill collector contacted him about me. I do not owe these scum bags money nor would I ever deal with a third party in any transaction, especially over the phone. These fraudulant companies have been ligitimized by our government but I could care less if we all owe them millions.
I would rather be in debt than pay rediculous amounts of money, even if I owe them, which I don't. Tell them go ask the banks that got the bail outs.
I took my original student loan to court, I quit the school within five weeks then joined the military, and won because their lawyers filed an illegal lawsuit by sending the summons to my mother while knowing I was serving my country. I represented myself with the help of my law professor and won, it was one of the greatest feelings. Stay in debt people, pay cash and stay away from credit because you will never get out from under the interest. (Don't trust any business that asks you for money without looking into it with a lawyer, not a credit consolidation company or any other outfit. Deal only with the courts and speak with a lawyer or a paralegal.)
My advice to anyone dealing with these dirt balls is to laugh it off and don't let them get to you. Send hate mail to their presidents, report them to the Attorney generals, and send hate mail to the original loaners. Take control of your lives by fighting back instead of cowering when they call your work or home. Make it a point to have weekly phone call sessions with friends to call their 1 800 numbers to get use to dealing with them. Call them and ask irrelevent questions so you can blow off steam at their expense. Fuck'em!
Imagine if we all called them talking about their practices. We could have their employees taking anti depressants. Fight back people, don't let these fuckers ruin your life, we only live once and being in debt is part of this shit hole of a "Democracy." Take your freedom back by using cash, stay away from the big banks, stay away from for profit schools, and vent your frustration on the culprits, not yourself.
Most importantly, learn how debt works by looking at the sites below:
Good luck,
Keep fighting and never give up