I was extremely interested in trying to obtain a grant to help with some bills and some house repairs. I took these people at 'face' value but all I got was I became an 'ass' in their rip-off. This really upsets me.
After I OK'd them to receive $1.95 for info, CD, etc. I decided I would wait for about a week and see what I would receive. If it would probably help me, then I would go further into this. Instead, I started receiving NSF letters from my bank because I had 4 checks that my bank couldn't cover because of NSF.
After looking at my account, the reason for the NSF was the withdrawal of $58.61 which I had NOT authorized. Now I am not only messed up with their withdrawal but also having to pay $30 per NSF check which does not sit real well with me, to put it mildly.
Well, on the day that they took out the $1.95, 10 days later they took out the $58.61. This really upset me so I tried to call them. Well, at least the other person got to listen to music. All I got was a recording (which, thinking back on it, was funny) said 'Hello, if you would like to end this call, press 1.' DUH????
If you continued to hold on, then the operator would come on with the recording 'If you'd like to make a call, please be sure that the number you are dialing is correct' or something like that.