Harry Wagner Dean the unscrupulous old man in his 50's has ripped off many under the banner of Wagner Dean and he operates the same fraudulent operations as GLDS. Please don't trust this person. He is someone who can be labeled a parasite who makes his living by fleecing unsuspecting, unemployed people who are in real need of a job.
They keep changing their domain name very often, prerviously it was wagnerdean.com then glds.com and now it is gldsjobs.com, guess why??? . They do it so that people will not be able to search them on the net. All of these website have been reported by several victims before.
It will be a total waste of money and utter frustration if you get involved with this old fart. He will take your money for giving you a list of companies published by Dallas Business Journal and when you will realize that there is no effort from him to fulfill the rosy picture he painted about your career, you will start demanding the refund of your hard earned money. This is the time when this parasite will threaten you of litigation. At a point in your life when you are not making enough to meet your needs you will give up and this is exactly what he wants. If you are still interested in pushing your luck...please go a head after reading more about him on this website under the company name Wagner Dean. You won't regret like me who was not aware of this sucker.