This brokerage firm is a complete scam. Never do any business with them! You would think that a brokerage firm could receive certificates, place them in your account, sell them, and send you your funds. That is the furthest thing from the truth here. It is absolutely brutal to even get your securities approved there, the trading was just as painful, and then when you don't think it could get any worse, they simply steal all the funds from your account!
This was the first, and obviously the last, transaction I did through them and could absolutely kill my friend who referred me to them, but the damage has already been done. They locked me out of my online account and literally stole all of the money, albeit only a few thousand dollars, and now refuse to even answer my call or emails. When I do occassionally get someone on the phone they just lie and tell me it's not their department and they'll have someone get back to me. That's been going on for months, which has prompted me to use other measures.
When you deal with offshore brokers it is usually a little bit more difficult than domestic firms, but nothing like this has ever occurred with any other firm.
Glen Morgan Brokers is a complete scam!!!