After carefully looking at a number of online offers GDI got my attention with their picture of a Ferrari and the slogan: 'Do you want one of these?' The testimonials convinced me that GDI offered what I was looking for. I signed up with GDI and studied the concept. I did not need the Domain name and the 10Megabites of hosting other than for getting others to sign-up, with the promised income in mind. It turns out that all these testimonials are bought with their so called contests.
Although GDI claims that it is free to join.(See their website) They only give you 7 days for 'free' without properly stating that. In order to sign-up, credit card information is required you have to give credit card information so they can charge your credit card after 7 days anyone that fails to cancel (which is made complicated) is on the hook. Even if you cancel chances are that they will keep charging your credit card.
The product is just to cover-up an illegal pyramid scam. Godaddy ( which is a respectable company that services businesses for years and offers a hosting package for just over $4.00 per month for 10 Gaga-bites and 100 email accounts 10 times the hosting space and email accounts GDI offers for $10 per month. The real value of GDI hosting is just $0.40 per month and a DOT- COM domain name which is better than WS is offered for just $10.10 per year. And the WS domain name at for $15.00 per YEAR This makes the real value of GDI's package just under $1.40 per month If you sign-up for more domain names which GDI tries to let you do it's a lot worst, You are then charged $20.00 or $30.00 per month for just 2 or 3 domain names three domain names registration cost $30.00 per YEAR. Businesses get their domain names from companies like Yahoo and Godaddy not from GDI WebSite.WS
Most of the people I signed up did not continue the program and quited in a few months. However I don't give up on things easily I was thinking constantly how to get things going. I spend around $20, 000.- in advertising. After a total of 2 years in the program my income was $130.00 per month for two years full-time work not very good and not even a drop in the ocean compared to the promises.
In short My complain is GDI is a plain Pyramid Scam. Only a few subscribers are making money which is not made clear in their presentations. And their websites.
My second Complain is about the use of my sons credit-card. I had used My personal Credit card to pay for a person in my down-line After I was no longer a member of GDI I was going to make sure that charges for this person would no longer come off my credit card. I canceled my Credit card. However GDI apparently had a credit-card of my son on file who has the same first name as I do, Which I was not aware of and might have used on an occasion.
Without informing me or receive authorization GDI started in January this year(2008) to use my sons credit card for this account, which was not in my name or my sons name. Henry Koopman was the subscriber to that account.For five months GDI took money from my son, He did not think anything of-it because he thought it was for me and was not concerned of getting it from me eventually. When he came to ask me for the money it was for 5 months taken of his account. I have asked GDI to return the money to my sons card but they refuse to give it back. Finally after complaining with the credit card company the credit-card company returned the funds into my sons credit card.
GDI always denies any charge against them.