This company takes ordinary, working-class people and talks them into giving $500.00 to invest in a multi-level marketing scheme. They tell you that you will make tons of money and drive BMWs and Bentlys, by recruiting other people to invest $500.00 to become marketing managers. They produce video phones and long-distance plans. The problem is that none of their products work and as soon as something goes wrong, your customers can NEVER reach an IT person in Rochester to handle it.
We were told by Andre Meronian during these brainwashing seminars that all you do is sell the product and walk away and the IT people will handle the rest. The problem with that is that the people I have talked into getting invested in this business and/or sold product to are fed up with me. My reputation is destroyed and these people are no longer my friends. It has been very difficult to show my face to them knowing I have ripped them off.
This MLM crap is dispicable. Andre and his cronies should go to jail. They preach recruiting people. That's how you make money. The more people you recruit, the more money you make. It is just like a pyramid scam. My wife and I have lost all respectability and have made very little money. Global Links and 5 Linx management question how many people we recruit and seem to have a lot of trouble paying us and our recruits/former friends.
DO NOT INVEST IN THIS COMPANY - IT WILL DISAPPEAR BEFORE YOU KNOW IT. It is amazing how saavy they are. When my wife and I asked the important questions and talked to them about our fears and reading about this company being a scam, they seem to have all the right "standard" replies. We are so stupid and have learned our lesson. If you have doubts about this company, do not go to the top guys, they will tell you whatever you want to hear in order to get you involved. Listen to your gutt. Run away - FAST!!!