Investers be aware of Global options
Check these websites to confirm that Global options are a scam
The Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (CBFA) warns the public against the activities of Global Options, which claims to offer investment services in, among others, options and futures in financial products, from premises at 72 avenue de Tervueren, Bte 4, B-1150 Brussels, Belgium.
Global Options does not have the authorization in Belgium required to offer investment services in or from within Belgium.
Global Options claims to be registered with the “Commission de Régulation des Marchés Financiers” (CRMF). The CRMF uses the following web site: Contrary to what is stated on that web site, this institution is not a financial supervisor in Belgium. The CBFA doubts the trustworthiness of investments offered to the public by any company that claims to be recognized by the CRMF.
The CBFA advises the public against responding to any offers of investment services made on behalf of Global Options and against transferring money to any account number they might mention.
Anyone wishing more generally to enquire as to the regularity of any proposed transaction can find further information on the “Consumer Protection” page of the CBFA web site ( or by contacting the “Protection of Consumers of Financial Services” Department