the call constantly disconnected even before any conversation starts, was charges $ you could be not able to talk for anything and already got charged $3. terrible service!!!
this happens at least 3 times a day, that is $9 charge for nothing. i have to buy $59.9 which $9.9 is convenient fees, which lasted 2 days only. we only talked for 40 mins a day or less, so that is 80 mins for $60.
well the rate is actually ~$6 for 15 mins, if the disconnect problem isn't there, then $50 will last 120 mins, so the connection problems cause me 40 mins for everyday 2 days. that is to mean GTL at least scam me $15 every 2 days.
but we have no choice but to use them for inmate calls.
so justice system seems to catch lot of innocent ppl but let this bully keep scamming our money!!