BEWARE!! This is another Scam company that is a little more elaborate than the others. Someone will call you telling you that you have been approved for a loan in the amount that you have requested. This person will tell you that you have the option of having a co-signer, signing a car with more than 35% than the value or paying a deduction amount of xx. Most people will say that they would take the deduction amount because they cannot afford to get a co-signer or put a lein on their car. DO NOT send them any money because a legit loan company will NOT ask you for an upfront fee because it is AGAINIST the law. They will fax you documents that looks legit and ask you to fax it back with money "wired" to a person outside of the US. Ask yourself this, why are you wiring or sending money to a person rather than the company?? BECAUSE the company does not exsist. I did some research on this company and the building that the address is located is vacant and it has been for years. The BBB does not even have this company listed because they are unaware of such a company. They are SCAMS and they will not deposit you money the day after you "wired" them money. I filed a complaint with the BBB and FBI with this company so BEWARE because they are frauds scamming money out of HARD working Americans! I know because I was a victim of a similar company. They go by various names so be CAREFUL!! They change their names all the time so be careful!! Here are a list of names of companies that they go by:
Beckford financial Services
Brookview Financial Services
Cederway Financial Group
Crimson Lending Group
Eastgate Lending Group
Levington Lending Group
Middlegate Financial Group
Millfield Financial Group
Silvergate Financial Services
United Trust Financial Services
Vanguard Mutual Group
Westshore Lending Group
Bradford Financial Group
Uni-Trust Financial
Advocate Lending Group
Global Trust Funding
If is sounds tooo GOOD to be TRUE, it just is!! Listen to that little voice trying to tell you not to do it. Trust your instinct!
Why Canada or Jamacia?? They will tell you that the "private" investor is located there. Well the real reason is that the US authorities can't do anything about it. Sending money gram, western union or a cashier's check is untracable and that is why they want you to do it that way instead of a personal check made out to the "private" investor.
A REAL loan company has a lending license number and so ask them for their's if they have one. They will tell you that you need an attorney to be able to obtain it and they will have an excuse like "we use to give it out but people were using our licence number and so that is why we don't give it out anymore". That's a bunch of garbage. These people are low lives!!