This company currently has job postings on many different career websites for an entry-level position. It sounds like a legitimate marketing company with an opportunity to 'move up quickly" within the company. They are not who they say they are. This company is actually a branch off of a larger company called Smart Circle, and they sell coupon books. The "entry level" position is really a commission-based sales job.
I wasted a day of my life and about $40 in food and gas to figure this out, so I'm trying to save others from the same fate. This particular branch has about 20 people there who all think that they're going to own their own business within a year, even though on their website global visions/smart circle claims that they have worked with professional sports teams in nearly every major American city.
I was suspicious of this place when they asked me back for a second interview, which would consist of a day long "job shadowing" experience. I ended up holding coupon books that their "account manager" tried to sell by going door-to-door at local places of business. He of course disregarded any "no soliciting" signs. There are similar companies in other cities, all under different names so people don't figure out their schtick. I found a complaint for a company called T.H. Executives in Columbus, OH, which appears to be another offshoot of Smart Circle.
Unless you want to sell coupon books on commission at a job with no benefits and make $300-$600 a week, don't bother applying for any job with Global Visions. Don't believe that you will "move up with the company." If they can't be honest with you in an interview process, they're probably not being honest when they say that you can move up and make $100K within a year.