I have been a GM Card holder for 20 years. Last month they sent me a new GM World card with expanded services and a new account number. It had not been requested nor did I want it and I shredded it. When the monthly statement came it had a new account number on it and when I called customer service they gave me a sales pitch on the many new benefits the new GM World card had. I told them I didn't ask for, nor did I want the new card and to change it back to my old account number.
What were the idiots thinking ? Why would a person want to change their account number ? How would they like it if ATT called them up and said " Hi, we are changing your telephone number and giving you some new benefits, and by the way it is just what you need".
The second month the statement still had the new account number on it and I called again. I went through the same thing that happend on the first call so I told them I would never use the new account and when It expired I would be getting another card from someone else unless they gave me back my old account number.