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GMAC Reviews

jodytoby123 June 19, 2011
Over charged/rudely treated
Took my 2007 tahoe into Stanley Chevrolet at 5697 W. State Rd. 67 McCordsville, IN 46055. Told the service man that I thought my power steering was going out. That the vehilce was making a grinding sound and that the sound became louder when I turned the wheel in either direction. There was no service engine lights on and the truck started and ran fine. Recieved a call and was told the problem was not the power steering but the alternator and the battery. This was causeng the power steering to sound like it did. I asked how was that, my truck runs fine, started well and no service lights was on. I was told mechanic checked power steering and it was fine. Charge for service would be 946.00 Later that evening I was told work was done and that he needed to inform me that the power steering was bad and had to be replace. But don't worry it was coverd under warrenty. Was told to pick up my truck by 6 pm. Was at car lot at 5:20 after I paid cashier. I was told where my truck was parked. I tried to start it with remote starter. Truck would not start. I key started it and it would not start right. Sounded as if it didn't want to start. Pulled the truck to the service doors. The two worker, Jeff Harris and Rhodey Resse, looked at me and would not open the service doors. One actually came to one of the doors and still did not open it. After setting in my truck for 3-4 minutes waiting for the doors to open the, the two men walked out of the service area leaving me in my truck at the door. I enter the doors and went to the cashier and told her what just had happen. Cashier was aware the men did this. She made serveral phone calls to get someone to come back. Mgr on duty came and stated he was sorry for what had happen and stated that the worker is being called back to work now. 10-15 minutes later one of the service men returned. I told him the service engine light was on and remind him that when he checked my truck in the night before there was no service lights on. I told and showed him that the truck would not start with the remote starter and that it didn't start up correctly with the key. He told me it was tested driven. I asked him how did someone miss the service engine light on or not see it was not starting correctly. He had no answer. The next day I was told the person that worked on the truck didn't connect something and was asure everything had been checked. I went to report the problem to the General Manager. I was told he was in a meeting so I spoke with Operational Mgr. Rex Phillips. I told Phillips what had happen the day before. I then showed Phillips my work order. It listed my complaint concerning the power steering as I reported it. The next section stated that I needed an alternator and battery charging me $946.00. After work was completed. Work order stated power steering is making noise and needed to be replaced. There was no charge for work, part was under warranty. I explained to Phillips that I was charged for a part before the truck was even checked for the issue I came in with, plus I was told the part I paid for would fix the problem. Phillips stated he would pass my concerns on to the Gerneral Manager. Few hours later I received a call from West Stanley, lot owner. He stated that he was sorry for the way I was treated and that none of that should had happen. When I questioned him concerning the service I paid for he would not comment. Only stated he looked at the parts removed from my truck and it was bad. I informed him my truck started fine never gave me any problems and no service lights was on. I also told him that I was told this is what I needed to do to correct the problem I came in with. This was not true. I told Stanley after I paid nearly $1000.00 I stilled needed the part I came in asking for, leaving me to believe I didn't need the parts I was told espically since it didn't correct the problem and my truck showed no signs of needing the parts. I told Stanley I could not understand why the service men could not had check the problem I reported first or why I was told the part I had to pay for would corrct my problem when in fact the warranty part corrected the problem. When my husband returned to Stanley's to pick up the parts they removed from the truck. My husband reminded Stanley that this was the second vehicle he bought from his lot and that we always serviced our autos at this location and could not believe we were being treated so badly and that it looked liked we was charge for work not need and for sure work that did not fix the problem that was reported when the truck was dropped off. Stanley then cursed my husband. He said "what the FUCK you want me to do, you sound like your wife. My husband nor I ever yelled or cursed at Stanley or his staff. I feel was rudely treated by Stanley and his staff. i also feel I was charged for work I did't need. I was for sure charged for work that did not relate to the problem I reported, even after I was told it would correct the problem. All of this is proven by the order work was done on the work order.
losinghomecustomer May 16, 2011
I first applied for a loan modification in July 2010, after multiple calls I finally received an answer that we were denied. However, this process took almost 5 months. I did not receive our denial letter until Dec 2010. With the delay on GMAC's part this slowed down any other loan modification or other assistance I could have been seeking. Also GMAC told me not to send any payments in, only the full amount past due would be acceptable and anything less would be returned to me.
We reapplied in Jan 2011 and was told we had the income to qualify but GMAC stated, " that they serviced my loan on behalf of an investor group and the investors has not given them authority to modify my loan. " After questioning GMAC they would not inform us who the investor group is. So I am left in the cold. It seems that the investors don't care if I lose my home, they make their money anyway. :(
cynthia dennis May 5, 2011
Cynthia dennis
I leases and 2006 envoy and the tires were stolen and my insurance company replace them and when I turned the car in I reminded the saleman that the cap to the wheels were in the trunk because I didn't want them to be stolen again. I later was billed for them and turned over to a collection agency and expalained this to gmac for the forth time. This is rediculious and this matter needs to be resolve immediately or I will contact my attorney for harrassment charges.

Thank You
Ms. Dennis

I cann be reached at 248 398-0011 or 248 388-1215
GMAC Hater April 30, 2011
False Foreclosure
To whom it concerns,
What a joke because really no one at GMAC actually gives a damn how they are treating Americans, so really it is a big joke and waste of my time. I am not sure why I am writing this letter, because god knows it will not help or make a difference. Apparently whoever heads up the mortgage department does not care about customer service, nor can they read. If they could read, they would see that GMAC has hurt so many hard working, struggling American families with their horrible ethical practices. After the American government bailed GMAC out of their financial struggles, this is how we are repaid.
Having my home foreclosed has been one of the worst feeling I have ever had. GMAC has caused my family and so many others to be forced from their homes, without even a second thought. Oh GMAC says they try, but do they really, honestly does anyone really review each case, no because if they did, no one who has an ounce of humanity would cause this much destruction. All I hear is how they don’t want our home, why would they it is worth $50, 000 less than we owe. But yet here I am with an income of $6, 800 and two stable incomes (a Master’s prepared nurse and a teacher) dealing with the loss of our home, the home we build and were so proud of. At 27 years old, my husband and I were living the American dream. We grew up poor, worked our way through college, and now we have a home, or we did have a home. I do not even want to hear how you give a damn, because it is just a paper signing mill, and everyone knows that. Just open your internet browser and type in GMAC Complaints and wow it is amazing thousands of complaints posted about how horrible GMAC has treated them in this time of need. Most of the complaints are all the same based on hard working American losing their homes, because GMAC lied to them, and was not willing to help. My heart goes out to so many American hurt by GMAC’s dishonest, deceitful, falsehearted, fraudulent and pathetic practices.
This is why so many states are in the process of investigating the illegal practice of foreclosure mills. I do believe that in the future GMAC will get everything that is coming to them and they will pay for what they have done to hurt America. Processing this high number of foreclosures and causing families that are hard working to lose their homes will come back and hurt GMAC. The economy will never recover if you do not change how you treat Americans. I would assume that whoever is the head of GMAC Mortgage department knows that the economy is struggling and families are losing their homes due to financial struggles, but they are just enjoying their big bailouts and fancy house, while American are hurting so bad.
I was just like so many families, I got behind on my mortgage, I was trying to help my struggling family remain in their home. I then became behind on my mortgage and that was it. We got behind in September and GMAC never gave us the help we needed to stay in our home. How can you sleep at night, knowing the nightmare you have caused tens of thousands of Americans. I work as a nurse and my husband is Teacher. I save lives every day at work and my husband influences the lives of our youth. I have put myself through graduate school and Nurse Practitioner school to better myself and the world, but what world am I bettering, the one where GMAC the company who represents American causes such harm and sadness to so many.
As fellow American’s how can you do this to people that are hard working and just fell behind for two months. A series of failed loan modifications, poor customer service, and just plain horrible misconduct and our home is gone just like that. Now we are back on track, we have two incomes and two stable great paying jobs, but it was too late for us. Our home is gone, gone, gone and I cry everyday at how stupid I was to allow this to happen, I am a nurse with a master’s degree, wow what is wrong with me. I am sure each and every one of you has been sick and helped by a nurse, and now when I need help, this is how I am repaid. It is disgusting to me how an American company can do this when we are in the worst economical downturn ever, with no end in sight. Removing families from their homes will only harm the economy more, why, why, can GMAC not see this.
I know this letter was a pointless waste of my time, but it helps a little to write about it. I have spent probably 60 hours researching how to get help and all I find are like stories below about the pain caused by GMAC. Below are just a few of the stories I found:

GMAC Mortgage is incompetent and unethical!!! GMAC's customer service was appalling, to say the least, and I was treated like a delinquent customer, and I've never been late on any mortgage payments. Instead, I incurred extensive damage to my home after hurricane Gustav on 9/1/08, received the insurance funds immediately, and have been struggling with GMAC to release the funds ever since
GMAC Mortgage is unethical. And our government gave them our tax dollars so we can pay GMAC Mortgage to lie to us. However, with all the noise I've been making and after filing a complaint with my Attorney General's office, the Office Of Financial Institutions, the Better Business Bureau, and others, I now have contact information for real, live people that are not customer service reps.
GMAC is the worst of the 8 different loan co. I've had. Their different depts. don't seem to communicate between them. It's taken months for them to fix my acct. as per closing statement in my loan docs and4mnts in acct. is still not right! When you call, long long wait times to talk to people who are hard to understand and English is not a first language. Really bad service!!!
I hate GMAC Mortgage with a passion!!!

I refinanced my home with them in 2003. Locked in a rate, and I should have seen it coming when I began the process with Them in Nov 2002, and didn't close till June 2003. At the time my refi amount was slightly over 80% like 83% of my appraisal so I was informed I needed PMI.

H MY GOSH is what I have to say about the complaints I am reading. I thought I was the only one going through a HUGE nightmare with GMAC. They have the worst customer service in the world. Each department doesn't handle whatever it is you need to know, they tell you to contact "such and such" that they handle my account. I get transfered, and guess what ?? They tell me the SAME thing, they don't handle my account I need to talk to "so and so". Okay long sorry short.

THEY SUCK and need to be stopped. Every person I have spoke to has worked there a few weeks or less, they have a big turn around it seems. And the Philipine's?? I don't believe they were even trained. I think they have all our numbers and names, randomly call and repeat themselves.
GMAC is the single worst provider of customer service on the planet. Even more so than the phone or cable company. I just received a refund for an escrow "overpayment." I did the math and saw they are wrong so I called them. I have been on the phone for hours.
GMAC customer service is the worst in the world. I just called trying to get my attorney authorized to get info on my account, ironically to get funds paid toward my principle they are holding in escrow from my closing last year. I talked with a guy named Jeff who was a rude, obnoxious JERK. He kept telling me it couldn't be done due to policy, I asked for a supervisor more than a few times & he told me even if I talked to a supervisor it would not change the policy.
I have to agree with the statement that GMAC customer service is the worst I have ever dealt with.
Hello, I have been a GMAC customer for many years. I was recently 2 moths behind on my mortgage and was sent a letter to warn of foreclosure six days later I was foreclosed on. My home has good equity. GMAC is totally unethical and is responsible for the mess our economy is i today. There latest service to the citizens of the United States is to look for loans on homes with equity and rush them through to foreclosure. They know they will either get a valuable asset or get you to pay massive fees. GMAC is an american company that is causing more financial damage to america than any terrorist group on earth.
shema76 April 15, 2011
unethical practices
I am sittinge here stranded in the desert just to find thatg I have no insurance. the roof of my rv is open due to high winds am away from home and GMAC insurance has just informrd me right now after i have filed a claim that I have no insurance, but it gets even better i went on the website in febuary to pay my insurance in full which i did and they sent me an email saying it was being processed. I felt great thought my insurance was all paid for come to find out they never took the payment this was 2 months ago. Let me make this clear no checks bounced it was not returned for NSF reasons nothing like that they just simply didnt take the payment and the claims lady has even tried to lie to me on the phone saying they sent me 3 email about a cancellation and when I told them saved all the emails now the story has changed. Is anyone suing this company this is nuts I am contacting a lawyer.
Utarey March 21, 2011
Do not work with this company, they are pure scam
Company will send a teaser deal to get you to switch your auto insurance, they send this to you if you have a loan through them. They sold and processed a payment for one rate, and insisted on paper work to ‘prove previous coverage’s’, which is completely unnecessary, along with a form which included language that changes your policy and causes the price to ‘readjust’. Filled out the form letter perfect, sent them copies of the documents.

They destroyed the documents at their home office and attempted to claim I did not send them, therefore they would change my policy (to the tune of $300 per six months). Repeated attempts to send them the documents through email and snail mail to get rid of the charge.

Do not trust them to actually follow through if I need to use the insurance. Am switching immediately. Do not work with this company, they are pure scam, and willing to commit outright fraud for a buck. If you are stuck with them in the short term, paper trail everything extensively.
Parker124 March 2, 2011
GMAC does a poor job representing GM
After loyally spending the last 18 years buying/leasing Dodge products, I switched to GM for some reasons including: OnStar, gas mileage, quality, better antitheft. I bought a brand new Chevrolet Impala.

I made the switch a few months ago.

I have been waiting for my car payment, but it never came. A month after signing up, I received a nasty phone call from GM, with their personnel ordering me over the phone to pay while on the telephone.

They refused to give me my account number and made me pay a $23.71 late fee. This was the first billing contact -- in writing or by phone -- that I received from GMAC.

They insisted that I call another number to get my account number.

I am a police officer and have never missed a payment in my life.

The way they talked to me, I felt like I committed a crime.

I will tell everybody I know about this situation and will recommend that they never buy/lease a GM product again.
Beverly February 24, 2011
They make you feel degrading
All i want is to fix our mistakes and your custmore service people don't care all it is is a job well here you have custmores who care and want to get help all they do is say to bad.i would like a manager to call me our email me they say they don't talk to ustmores if it wasn't for us they would not have jobs.
Jiammo February 23, 2011
I have been robbed by GMAC
I had a remaining payment on the lease vehicle which the new dealership paid off to GMAC.

GMAC posted this money to someone else's account which left my account in negligence.

I have tried several times to contact GMAC to get this matter resolved, but they respond with, "I must send another payment to replace the first payment sent out previously."

This is not fair. I have been robbed by GMAC.
Tvgeorge February 17, 2011
1 month late!
I sent a partial payment in January and was late in February, no e-mail, phone call nothing, guy shows up takes my truck ( paying off last of lease, had it for 5 years). Call Ally wants 1600.00, 3 months payments and costs.First call said I wasn't getting truck back( India I guess). I have never been treated as badly as this my entire life! Haven't worked in over 2 years and still made the payments. Welcome to America! I can't believe they can do this without even a phone call or letter or e-mail. Trust me if your car is financed by Ally get some other finance going, they will get you!

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