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GMAC Reviews

Bobcat999 November 23, 2009
Loan Modification
Due to the economic crisis my husband’s business began to slow down dramatically to where he could no longer earn a salary. We contacted our mortgage company, GMAC, to see if we could be eligible for a loan modification. Since we have a 15-year loan we just wanted to change that to a 30 a year mortgage to reduce our monthly payments. We tried to refinance but our home value had fallen and we were not able to do so.

GMAC sent us a letter stating that we would first need to go through a “trial” period where we would pay an amount less than our full mortgage. In other words – GMAC was requiring that we “default” or pay less than what was owed to even first be considered for the loan modification. They said the amount they wanted from us included “fees” but there was no breakdown indicating what the amount covered.

I called one of their representatives to try to find out what the new amount covered – i.e. how much was a principle, interest and what the fees were for. The representative could not answer my question about the amount requested – he also told me that if we signed and went through the process and were not approved for a loan modification – that we would receive a bad credit rating.

I explained that we merely wanted to go from a 15 to a 30-year loan and we did not want to risk our good credit to do so. He repeated that we could receive poor credit and that since we had money in the bank for our son’s college – etc – that they may not give us the loan modification.

We did not sign the GMAC letter agreeing to the loan modification and sent in our full October payment (see enclosed check). I mailed our payment on the 11th of the month – but noticed that it did not clear the bank. I contacted GMAC again to ask what happened to my check.
I spoke with another representative who said that she had my check but was “holding” it because if we paid in full we would not be eligible for the loan modification.

I told her we did not want to risk our good credit as my husband would have to get another job and they sometimes pull credit reports. She said that the modification would not affect our credit at all. I told her I wanted to get an attorneys advice.

I sent a letter to GMAC asking them to put in writing and clarify the following:
1- What did the lump sum encompass that they were asking us to pay and what were the fees?
2- Would our credit be poorly affected even though GMAC was asking us to go delinquent on our loan?
3- It appeared from their paperwork that they were “allowing” people to have up to 3 months of savings – from this language it appeared that they might not provide a loan modification to someone that had more than 3 months in savings. I asked if this was so.

I received no response to my letter. I sent another letter certified mail and still received no response over a period of several weeks.

I then received my statement and saw that GMAC was charging me a late fee on the October payment. This is the payment that their representative told me she was “holding. I also saw they had applied our money to the trial even though we did not agree to the trial nor did we sign any documents for the trial.

I sent a letter of complaint explaining that they could not charge me a late fee. They never responded.

I then sent in my November payment in full, which GMAC cashed at our bank on the 13th of November, I then received a letter from their collection department stating that we were in default? And owed over $6, 000 to GMAC?

I called a representative who claims to have remedied the late charge and the incorrect application of our two months payments however – I just received another statement from GMAC saying that we still owe payments and late fees?!

We are very distressed at how poorly we have been treated, the lack of communication and the fact that GMAC is failing to apply our full payments to our mortgage and is unwilling to provide a mortgage modification from a 15 to a 30 year mortgage without jeopardizing our credit and forcing us to go in default!

Is this what President Obama intended? Is this what our tax money is paying for?
nnascar1 November 15, 2009
lender servicer
I’m a sales manager at a US car dealership, and as you know, the automotive industry has suffered significantly with the collapse of the economy. Due to the fact that I am paid solely on commission, I was turned down on my first attempt at a mortgage modification because my income was too low. As the economy continued to drop, my employer decided to transfer me to a different department instead of laying me off. Fortunately that decision gave me and my family a slight increase in pay. Due to that increase I was now eligible to qualify for a loan modification. The loan that the mortgage servicer GMAC had told us we qualified for was the President Obama’s Plan “Making Home Affordable” in February of 2009. We completed and submitted all documents within the time frame that the mortgage servicer GMAC had required. Upon calling to check on the status of our account, we were informed that the mortgage servicer had lost all the documents we had sent in originally. Due to the time that had elapsed, we were required to send in another set of completed, updated documents which were being mailed to us. We completed and sent in the documents within the new time frame he gave us. In order to avoid falling through the cracks, we continually called to check on the status of the modification.
We received the loan modification letter stating the terms of the three month trail payments. There were just a few problems. The documents were either incomplete or were blank, and there was no due dates for the payments requested. After multiple requests for completed documents, they were still incorrect and the process took well over thirty days with the deadline of the first payment approaching. They finally faxed me the completed forms for my wife and I to sign leaving barley enough time for them to be resubmitted within the time frame. We made all three trail payments on time by certified funds as directed and were told, “You will be getting loan documents at the end of the 90 day trial period.” Upon completing the trail modification we waited approximately thirty days for the loan documents to arrive. We were later informed that our investor, Bank of New York, did not participate in the “Making Home Affordable Plan” as originally stated, but that they would review us for other modification options. When we made the last trail payment in august of 2009, we were informed that there had been a foreclosure sale date of July 30, 2009 which we were never advised of. We were advised that the sale date had been cancelled due to the modification we were approved for and receiving. After that, we decided that we needed to call weekly so we would not loose our home due to there lack of proper business ethics. Upon subsequent calls, we were told that the were waiting for approval from the the investor, Bank of New York, their legal department, or an appraisal, etc.
When making our biweekly follow up calls on October 28, 2009, I was informed that there was a final approval. The representative advised me that the phone call could possibly be recorded for quality purposes and that they were a debt collector. At that time i advised that i would be recording the call as well. I was told that we had been approved for an extended term loan if 40 years, our original loan was for 30 years, and have a fixed rate of 2.5 % for the entire term of the loan. The representative also advised that the permanent loan documents would be sent to us in approximately 30 days after Bank of New York prepared the loan Documents. We continued to check the status of our account and that we were told that the loan documents were still waiting for the investor and to not worry everything looks good.
We are making continual monthly payments over the phone via our checking account to GMAC, who services our loan for Macquarie Mortgage. During this modification process, we have made three consecutive payments over the phone. When we called on the 13th to make our November payment, we were advised that there was a new sale date of December 10, 2009. This sale date should have never been placed due to the fact that our modification was approved and waiting for the final loan documents. Yet again, we were never informed by mail of this sale date. We were then told we could no longer make payments via phone because of the sale date that had been placed. When we asked why the sale had been placed and if the modification had been denied, all they had to say was, “it is in review.” We had requested that a supervisor call us on many occasions, only once did we ever receive a call.
To say that this has been a stressful year would be an understatement. We have done everything that they have asked of us and then some. We are writing you out of desperation, the mortgage company is not the solution the are the source of the problem. If this is happening to us then it is happening to millions of Americans across the nation. We were hoping that with your assistance and exposure, our account would be looked at by some one who could help save our home.

I would like to thank you in advance for your help.
Walt Schmitz
Please contact me at 661-400-4417
Or [email protected]
StaN80 November 6, 2009
Rip off
Purchased a car in May, My dream 2010 Black Camero SS. I even ordered it online. Filled out the paperwork for financing and put down $2000. I was told it would arrive at the end of June but it really didn't arrive until September. They then requested another $5000.00 so I paid it. I also bought out the current vehicle I was leasing for $9200. This was all paid in cash. When my car arrived, I went to the dealership, spent two hours there, signed all the necessary papers, and was introduced and orientated to my new vehicle. What an exciting day that was. I took my first road trip to Sydney, N.S. that day. Here is the kicker..after driving my vehicle for 33 days, my first payment was due, I received a call from a representative there, saying that the person who was dealing with my financing application, didn't wait for approval from the head office and they wanted me to either find financing or give the car back. Apparently one of their trusted employees was not acting in the best interest of the customer or the business...he was fired. I have since given my dream car back and am still waiting for my down payment, apparently there is an inspection and other other things that needed to be done before I get any money back. I am a victim of the most ridiculous thing I ever heard of. Not once was I under the assumption that there was anything wrong with my financing considering, I have been with them for the last 4 years, financed 3 other vehicles, will have spent over $100, 000 there and they let me take my $42, 000 vehicle home and drive it for 33 days. I believe as a consumer that whatever was going on there had nothing to do with me, I dealt in good faith all the way and am hoping that under the circumstances, I will receive my $7000.00 back, considering this had nothing to do with me and I feel I should not be penalized for someone else's doing. I have been embarrassed over all this, after showing off my new car and then explaining why I didn't have it anymore, It has cause me emotional stress, not to mention affected me financially as well. If I had only known, I would have not bought out my leased vehicle and spent my money elsewhere!! I am severely disgusted and hope that this does not happen to anyone again. Another kicker apparently it happened to more than one person. I will never deal with them again!!
October 31, 2009
Lien release
I have a 2000 vehicle that has been paid for for approximately 4 years and have never received the lien release from GMAC. I cannot get a copy of the title without it. TConroy
October 30, 2009
GMAC Faces $125 Million Penalty in California Repo Case

December 8, 2003
General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC) faces a $125 million hit after losing a class action lawsuit on behalf of over 30, 000 California borrowers. The suit charged that GMAC was illegally collecting from borrowers whose vehicles had been repossessed and sold by GMAC.

The ruling is a "stunning wakeup call for lenders who violate California law, " said Mark A. Chavez, the attorney for the plaintiffs.

In an 18-page decision, Santa Clara County Court Jack Komar found that GMAC violated California law governing automobile repossessions throughout a seven year period, and was engaging in unlawful collection activities.

The lawsuit, Smith v. GMAC, alleged that between August 20, 1994 and June 30, 2001 GMAC repossessed the automobiles of thousands of its customers and sold them without providing the customers with a legally adequate post-repossession notice. Judge Komar agreed, finding GMAC's post-repossession notices to be "legally defective".

Typically, when a car is repossessed and sold, the borrower will still owe the lender thousands of dollars. This is because the cars are generally sold at auction for prices that do not cover the amounts outstanding on a borrower's loan. The bill for this "deficiency balance" often comes as an unpleasant shock to consumers, who are already in financial trouble, and who mistakenly assume that once the car is gone, so is the debt.

California law, however, provides a measure of protection for consumers whose cars are repossessed. A lender such as GMAC is required to send its borrowers a written notice containing very specific information about their legal rights following a repossession. If the lender does not send such a post-repossession notice containing all of the required disclosures, the law says that the borrower is not liable for any deficiency balance.

Judge Komar ruled that because GMAC's post-repossession notices were "legally defective" class members "are not liable for any deficiency balances assessed to their accounts by GMAC, and never owed those amounts."

Nevertheless, GMAC had collected millions of dollars from class members to whom GMAC had sent legally defective notices.
I am not in the trouble that most of you are in this blog, however; the "Repo-Man" makes me sick. So I decided to provide you with a tool to deal with those incompetent finance "professionals" at GMAC
"The evidence in the case indicates that GMAC assessed approximately $125 million in deficiency balances during the class period" stated Kim E. Card of Chavez & Gertler, counsel for the class. Card estimated that GMAC had collected more than $15 million of the deficiency balances prior to the trial and was trying to collect another $110 million in outstanding deficiency balances from borrowers who did not owe the money to GMAC.

Under the court's ruling, which addresses liability issues and reserves the damages award for later, a notice and questionnaire will be sent to all potential class members. They will have the right to seek refunds of any payments they made to GMAC after a repossession on a deficiency balance, plus interest on those payments.

Read more:
October 28, 2009
I was hosed I was told that my 2004 PONT GRAND PRE WAS
eligible for the cash for clunkers I told the sales person that the
head gasket was bad and she said no problem.
I went to my home address and the vehicle broke down on 100
yards from the dealer. when I arrived she said I was not eligible
for the cash for clunkers. I got 100 dollars for a trade. MY
credit union paid 1000 that Owed on the Pontiac I had been
under stress because of family and job.

Jonqpublic October 26, 2009
Company will send a teaser deal to get you to switch your auto insurance, they send this to you if you have a loan through them.

They sold and processed a payment for one rate, and insisted on paper work to 'prove previous coverages', which is completely unnecessary, along with a form which included language that changes your policy and causes the price to 'readjust'.

Filled out the form letter perfect, sent them copies of the documents. They destroyed the documents at their home office and attempted to claim I did not send them, therefore they would change my policy (to the tune of 300 per six months). Repeated attempts to send them the documents through email and snail mail to get rid of the charge.

Do not trust them to actually follow through if I need to use the insurance. Am switching immediately. Do not work with this company, they are pure scum, and willing to commit outright fraud for a buck. If you are stuck with them in the short term, paper trail everything extensively.
Drowing in Tucson, AZ October 12, 2009
I am tired of Gmac telling me I do not qualify for a loan modification. My income was cut in half July 17, 2009. I called GMAC to let them know whats happing because I'm told they have all this help for people in my situation. Well the first time I called they make it seem that everything will be fine and dandy. They put me on (what I know now ) a forbarance plan and told me fill out a modification application and sent it in. I didnt hear from they for two months. Finanly I called them and they said it was denied. I have to either reduce my expenses or increase my income. They teenager I spoke to on the phone had no information. I asked why and what that meant and he kept repeating the same thing. I have to reduce my expenses or increase my income. Now I had no clue why and what it was they were looking for cause he couldnt answer anything. I reduced my income and resubmitted an app again. Two weeks later I'm told Im denied again. This time the decide to tell me I will have to go back to my old payments and at the same time pay for the past three months that they cosidered behind. that's over $3200.00. Oh yea they also decided to tell me it will effect my credit. They said I still dont qualify for a modification and I now have to increase my income. I got a part time job and just got my check stub so I called to send in the information. They told me it wouldnt matter cause my loan is an Fha secured loan and they arent doing anything with that right now. OMG!!! All she wanted was for me to make an extra $700.00 payment and make two payments for the $3200.00.
All they want is money and I felt since I had extra income they, by the way told me to get, just wanted me to pay and forget about the help they should be offering.

For three months they are dragging me along making me feel theres is light at the end of the tunnel when infact they have put me in a hole I can not get out out of.
Keyla V October 6, 2009
Loan Modificaton
Do not use this company for anything, no loans and especially the loan modification program. I was always on time with my payments and had great reasons to want a lower monthly mortgage bill, I inquired and they sold the loan mod program to me. They told me I was on a trial basis and my payments went from 1319.00 a month to 758.64 a month. They told me to send my escrow shortage of 309.00 which i did. After the trial period ended I was told they would send me a letter. I called yesterday to find out and after being on hold for 35 minutes the loss mitigation rep said i was denied because I paid an extra 309.00 for my escrow. I advised him I was told to mail that money out. he said no you werent was rude and said he was not there to be my friend he then rudely transferred me to a manager named alberto who knew no english and said its too bad we cant do anything and hung up on me. Now i have a delinquent account and afraid of losing my home because of their scam...I called again and they person said they would hang up on me if I did not let them talk again on hold for 30 min. I have never experienced such cruelty and issues and beg for you not to ever use GMAC>>>>!!!
papacarol October 5, 2009
loan modification
GMAC has been absolutely useless in helping its customers avoid foreclosure! Banks and other institutions were paid BILLIONS of DOLLARS to help people keep their homes. WHAT is GMAC doing with its share of the cash? My husband and I are both disabled seniors, and we live on a VERY limited income. We have NO savings, NO retirement funds - we don't even have CEMETERY PLOTS!! The ONLY thing we have (besides one another and our children and grandchildren) is OUR HOME! We both worked VERY hard throughout our lives. Now, in our GOLDEN YEARS, instead of FINALLY being able to sit back and relax, we WORRY NIGHT and DAY about being HOMELESS!! We were SO excited when we heard of the loan modification program - we thought it was the ANSWER to OUR PRAYERS!! After filling out numerous forms and making copies of EVERYTHING (and I mean EVERYTHING!!), we mailed in our application and waited to hear the GOOD NEWS!! You can imagine our UTTER DISAPPOINTMENT when GMAC turned us down!! Although we have more than $100, 000.00 in equity in our home, GMAC offered us a "DEED" DEAL - we hand over the deed to our beloved home to GMAC and they will KINDLY forget about our mortgage!!

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