To General Motors Corp. GMC division. I own a 2003 GMC Denali Quad.steer. It is going on 96000 mi. and is now in need of its 3rd rear end.I cant see why a truck made by THE DEPENDABLE GRADE should
need 3 rear ends to get 96k. I bought this truck when I RETIRED in hopes it would serve me for a lot more miles than this, as the rear ends
dont come inexpencive.I am 74 yrs. old and have been driving GM s
almost all of my life. Hate to change now, my son has a 75 Dodge with
over 250k on it and is still going.Is there any hope in getting help in
replacing this ? It seems to be around 30 to 35k s that htis happens.
Any help woulb be greatly appreciated.
Dean Hensinger @ [email protected]