Dear Sir/Madam,
i am receiving mails stating that i have been selected at gold star international company located in UK.i want to find out whether this is really genuine. i had also receive aptitude questions and than offer letter.they are asking me to full that and submit it to them.Attached is the Offer letter and below is there mail send my How can i be selected without interview???
Dear Applicant,
Wish to inform you that we are impressed with your profile and we are looking forward to have you soon.
Attached in this mail is an offer letter from GOLD STAR INTERNATIONAL, we advised that you read it properly and understand your job position stated therein before signing to join the company. Double submission of offer letter will not be accepted, hence you are advised to read the attached offer letter, adhere to its instructions and do the needful.
Warm Regards,
Tony Marchant
Gold Star International