My experience with Golds gym in San Diego was nothing like any other gym I have ever been to in my life. The problem that I had with Golds is that Golds would have hoped to become my historical partner but also never offer anything financially to the entire world other than closing gym costs.
You see Golds figures too advance at all things whether they were there or not it wouldn't make a difference. I worked out in gyms like worlds and Rockys that were managed by real sized men with real sized spotters physiques where I could have really gotten stronger in a real gym atmosphere. People taking numbers at Golds were mostly military runners who also would not have beaten certain high school competition though they are now in college. It was a place for fads and football fans none of whom could truly play the game anything affective or realistic. But yet they were there. Golds is the type of a gym I would make a second investment in if I was looking for specific equipment that I did not happen to find any place else but no longer need. Which was why I left a lot of weird dudes in a not completely public place of view that no longer includes me because I'm much smarter than the fine print of Golds contracts and its football fantasyworlds.