I'm experienced online currency buyer, escpecially for World of Warcraft. Since I've read so many bad reviews about people getting scammed, hacked and being duped, I want all potential buyers read this before they order to guarentee their safety (your game account, but either your paypal or other payment accounts).
Goldfarmers are constantly trying to hack accounts in all possible ways. The golden rule is: provide as less information as possible. Preferely only your email, (fake)name, charactername and eventually phone number. So here are some tips:
It won't happen frequently, but make sure you NEVER provide a copy of your id for example drivers license and passport if they ask for it. With a copy of your ID they could pretend to be you and contact for example Blizzard and pretend their account is hacked and recover it.
Either this won't happen frequently, but also make sure you NEVER provide a (digital) photo. Even I don't know what the reason is, don't do it. Did you ever had to hand over a photo when you buy something in the store? Sometimes they add you on msn or yahoo messenger, pretend they want to be your friend. Then they ask you for photo's
The next thing, it sounds really suspicious but I recommand everyone to do it. In paypal, change your shipping/billing address. When you are using a creditcard it might not be possible to change the address. Simply add an address and set it to private. You don't want they know your real addres, do you? Besides, have you ever seen their address on a paypal receipt?
Make a special email address for mail traffic with goldfarmers. You will notice once they have your email, they will send a lot of spam. They might add you to msn messenger, yahoo messenger and such. You can block them, but still... One of there spam mail is pretending they are Blizzard with the subject "account change notice, account change notifaction or something". When you read the mail it sounds like "you changed your contact info, if you haven't done this, please visit this link and log in". Don't click the link, it will redirect you to an unofficial site. Usually if you try to log on, it will says password error or link you to the homepage of the game. Then your account information is recorded by the goldfarmers. If you have done this, immediately change your password. Never log in with your information on another site then the official game site.
Guess this was all tips I can give you guys. I might forgot some details, but feel free to post comments.