At the end of my 2 year contract, and after 10 months of contact with Customer Care at Verizon Wireless regarding issues with a faulty Palm Treo 600 smart phone. A delay in repairs of the phone, a week of no access and loss of business contact during that timeframe, so I requested a phone upgrade.
Willing to pay the cost of a new phone to prevent loss of service, but I was denied and told that I still had thirty days left on the contract. It was mid September through October (2006), and so I continued to asked customer care support for an upgrade, but they kept denying my request because of contract issues.
Customer care representatives continued to express contract terms and conditions and the remaining thirty day expiration. In November, Thanksgiving weekend I decided to change carriers and say goodbye to Verizon Wireless.
I waited well after the 3 of November to be sure I would not violate contract with Verizon Wireless and ensure my contract had expired, so I used the date service reps told me (3 November) and waited 3 weeks.
I have since been dealing with 'breach of contract' for approximately $300.00, which have been in collection and reached a new balance of $700.00. I still refuse to pay this amount knowing that I am not in the wrong here.
I am letting everyone know what kind of company Verizon is. Lacking integrity, honesty, and for being in the business of communication, they do not have the ability to project accurate information. Which also makes them unreliable, inconsistent, and I don't trust them, and refuse to do any business with them.
PS: I had been a loyal customer with them since November 2002!