I know of a situation that shows Internet bias on the part of the search engines, namely Google and Bing. I have been watching this happen for months and can't sit idly by anymore. Hopefully reporting it here will cause someone somewhere to listen and do something to correct the s.
Two years ago, a novice blogger posted a hostile review about Site Build It on her passive income blog. (I'm not naming names. She and her friends have had way too much glory.) The review attacked Site Build It, Ken Evoy and even customers of his company. It was so full of lies and perverted truths, I remember reading it and being shocked at how wrong it was. It was so wrong, it made people mad. The reason they were mad was because the blogger who did the review had never tried Site Build It before. When they tried to set things straight, and get her to tell the truth, it turned into an online war of sorts.
Looking back now, I can see that this blogger probably got scared, but the fact remains that she lied and never corrected it. She knows she lied because soon after people started complaining, she began editing her post and hiding the evidence. As I stated previously, she had never tried Site Build It, never knew any SBIers, just took it upon herself to invent things and throw them up on her blog. I know. I read it and watched the whole thing happen. SBIers did react to it. It created a really emotional upheaval.
She called her friends in, who are masters at cyber bullying and black hat techniques. They unleashed a Google bomb and spread alarming lies about the company all over the Internet. They have been at it for close to two years and have been trying to do everything they can to do damage to SiteSell.
It's completely ludicrous, but the blog page with the review now has close to 8900 links pointing to it. They are all fake reviews talking about that one review and all artificially manufactured as part of this link bomb. I know for a fact it was an intentionally created link bomb because I read the blog posts that instructed the other bloggers on what to do and how to participate. This was no more an accident any more than the reviews are true.
Now, two years later, the search results are loaded with fake anti-SBI reviews all linking to this one false SBI Review blog post.
What I think is more wrong than the link bomb is that the search engines don't do anything about it. They don't care. This makes no sense because so many people talk about getting slapped or getting hit by the Google dance for what would be minor infractions compared to this.
I've done my part to report the link spam myself. I've either received no reply or I've gotten a "we're not responsible" reply. How can they not be responsible when it's their search engine and their algorithm that is being manipulated? Are they so arrogant they don't care about the lives of the people that get destroyed by this kind of thing?
And why is it that I have to watch my guidelines like a hawk, but this flagrant violation of quality guidelines doesn't even raise an eyebrow?
Don't for one second think that this link bomb exists because there is truth in this attack because there isn't. I've been an SBI customer for years and know quite a bit about this company, its product and its staff. SiteSell has posted an official reply on their page called the<a href=http://site-build-it-scam/sitesell.com>Site Build It Scam</a> which gives their side of the story.
The point is, this situation could happen to anyone, anywhere. All someone has to do is write something about you and given the right circumstances, you have no control and no recourse to rectify the situation. They can destroy your entire life, reputation and income by doing this.
Of course, nobody anywhere is perfect. No company is perfect. But this immense smear campaign is a mass of malicious lies.
Take away the link bomb and that's the truth about Site Build It. That's what's fair.
The search engines are now playing God, deciding peoples' fate and determining which companies are good and which ones are bad.
The problem is, they've got it all wrong.