Even after trying to cancel immediately by calling the number listed on my statement, I am still being debited a significant amount each month.
The "companies" (and I use the term very loosely for they have no internal people they can transfer you to-like an accounting department for questions...) are: SUP*POWERPLATFORM ($24.82/mo.), NETBIZ ($79.86/mo.), EZYKIT ($79.86/mo.), ONLINEMEMBER ($24.82/mo.), and QUICKPROFIT ($79.86/mo.).
The 866-numbers that show up on banking statement lead to a phone center where everyone is "unable to provide that information." Also, they debit on the weekend but their business hours seem to be M-F. They are "unable to credit charges that have already been processed." Convenient that they run charges on Saturday and by the time it hits my account on Monday it is too late.