I'm making a complaint about this company called emillionaire that is selling subscriptions with out anyone knowing it, they don't realise they are signing up to it like I did'n t and now I've lost £36 without authorising it, but my bank seem to think I have because I'v signed up to it.
The companys names that they have written all over the cd are GOOGLE YAHOO FORBES CNN AOL USA TODAY THE NEW YORK TIMES
These are big names and nobody seems to be able to DO anything about this people are getting scammed everyday this company is taking peoples money when is it going to stop, I'm contacting my bank in the morning and seeing what they can do about it I've cancelled the card I used but thats not enough they have my money and I don't like it, I want it back and I'm detemined to get it back I'm going to contact the New york times tommorrow and see if they can help me they are using there name so they should be able to do something.
[email protected]