I applied for a starter kit from the above company. I don't remember seeing that it was an USA company from the website. In fact, the letters there came from Australian people. I don't remember agreeing to be charged $59.95 for this non-existent kit. In fact I seem to remember being told that I was unsuitable as a worker for this business. But I had already given my visa card number to pay for the non-existent kit.
My bank has investigated this charge and say that it is a genuine transaction as it has been set up in a genuine way. Hence I have to accept that I have been ripped off. This interest by me occurred in October 2009. There is no website on the photocopied pages whereby I can contact these people about my non-existent kit which I apparently paid for.I would like to warn others who might be tempted to open this site, that all is not as it appears. I certainly won't be caught again.