December 12, 2008
refund refused, although conditions met the companies refund policy
My original order was for the 7 day trial period "kit", to include 1cd, a username, password and a "coach", obstensibly to train me in...what? The reason I placed the order was to find out exactly what the program was, i.e., sales, form filling, etc. I did receive the username and password in a timely fashion (cd came 11 days later). As soon as I was able to access the site involved, I did so. Immediately upon ascertaining that the program was strictly a sales program, I tried to locate the phone number one must call to receive a refund, and found that, of course, there is none. Since I knew that I was not interested in the program, and am on an extremely limited budget (Social Security Disability), I contacted support@ googlemoneytree.com, requesting both a phone number to cancel my order and that the notice I was sending was to be considered as my cancellation notice, as the phone number discussed in their terms was not available. I never received a response from GMT, not a word, until their charge for $72.21 appeared on my bank statement. I called the phone number listed next to the charge, spoke with customer service rep, Adam, who told me that he found the email I was calling about, and that yes, my participation in thr program was cancelled. I asked if this included a refund for the $72.21, to which the response was yes.
That was approximately 3-4 days ago, and I have not seen my refund. Thus, I called again, spoke to rep Marcia, ID#12020, who said quite simply - no refund. Refused any and all requests for other contacts to help me resolve this issue. I am utterly amazed that Google would ever condone stealing, call it whatever you will.
I am truly in need of help from someone with regard to obtaining a refund. My income total per month is $859.00, and I live in NY. I an attempting to supplement meager funds, legally, simply to improve by any measure, the quality of life for my son and myself. It is killing me to see that the only thing that really 'means' anything, or has any power, is money. Google, you need to remove words like honesty and integrity from your personal dictionary and completely rewrite your mission statement to reflect your descent to one more crumbled bit of that which leaves a bad taste in one's mouth.
Nancy Foon
December 12, 2008
I am commenting regarding all the scams that I have read on the "Google Money Tree". This happened to me too, just last week. I signed up for a work from your home info package for the amount of $3.88. I have never received anything from them. Then I was doing some on-line banking and found that $72.21 had been taken out of my account by Google Money Tree. I never agreed to any of this. For all of you out there who have been scammed by them, here is their phone number...1-888-760-6767. As I was trying to get to this "Complaints Board" website I saw their ad again. It is a big ad that is very deceiving. It looks as tho' it is an actual "Google" company with an as seen on tv logo on the left, and a bunch of credible company names on the bottom of the page. I am having my bank get my money back, but I know there are a bunch of people out there that are having a hard time getting their money back, so I hope the phone number helps.
Patrick Ireland
December 5, 2008
Google Money Tree
I sent for some free information from Google Money Tree. I was enquiring on my wife's behalf as a possible retirement business for her. All I wanted was the free information, there was not other mention in the company's information that they submitted to me to be read, about a monthly membership fee of Canadian $92.00 per month. When I checked my credit card statement a month later, I discovered that they had charged me $92.oo and they had enrolled me in a monthly recurring membership fee.
I discovered hundreds of complaints about this company on the Internet, all the same as mine. This company places unauthorized charges on your credit card. I want to warn Canadians to stay away from this company. If you see it on the Internet switch it off. You will lose your money and have to go through the tedious effort of trying to get it back. Beware!