Yea. These scammers got me too. Signed and agreed to pay $3.88 shipping cost only! for a free google tree 4 money making opportunity kit, which they quickly took that money.
And I waited and waited and waited and still have not recieved anything YET!!! Now one week later, I have an unauthorized charge of $72.21 on my account to Google tree 5, were the hell did that come from!! The banks are already aware of google tree SCAM, but are somehow powerless to stop it if a debit card is used to pay for the 3.88 shipping. Yea google tree has a way to make gobs of money allright and that is to STEAL it from innocent people. But dont worry folks I`m going right after their asses for my money back." ALL OF IT". The bank gave me this # to google tree 888-760-6767