I had been asked to give up my oxforduniversity youtube name by Google marketing associate project manager Bell Wallace. He asked me on several emails and he said it is against Google's policy to take names anyway but he insisted that Oxford University was requesting the name which I said no. He wrote again and again and I said no I do not want to give up my name. I never heard from him again but 5 months later I logged on and I notice my Youtube URL was changed without reason and I discovered it changed with University of Oxford instead. My went from this URL http://www.youtube.com/oxforduniversity
to this URL http://www.youtube.com/user/oxforduniversity which I immediately contact this Bell Wallace and he refuses to respond. I have called him left messages and he refuses to respond, emails too, nothing.
Now Googling the guy he has his profile here on Linkin: http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/ben-wallace/17/699/165 which he was a former Oxford University student which is conflict of interest in taking my OxfordUniversity yourtube URL name and gave it to the University. What a sham, this guy is nuts, he just violated Youtube Google's policy and he goes messaging after the fact. I even have their policy that the company cannot do this.
Well guess what I am suing this guy and taking this guy to Federal Court for stealing my Youtube user name for damages and my URL back.
This Ben Wallace for Google UK - associate project manager is a theif and a crook. Beware of this scam from Google Youtube.
A corrupt company