I purchased $1.83 CD to see what program was all about. Did a search to see what others said about program when CD arrived. Discovered endless people screaming about being charged $72 without their consent. Company today told me by ordering CD, I was supposed to go to their website and read their Terms & Agreements, which I didn't know I was supposed to do. So, 10 days after they ship the "Membership CD", they charged me $72 because I didn't contact them to tell them I didn't want the program. I contacted, LIKE YOU NEED TO, the California Consumer Affairs Board in Sacramento. As soon as a said GoogleTreasureChest the woman said "it is a scam"...we get many calls a week. She advised 1) contact my State Attorney General, 2) file a complaint with the Dept of Justice and 3) contact credit card company to file dispute and change credit card number. I have done all that including contacting Google who wrote me a moment ago that they too are aware of this scam and are in the process of dealing with them too. TELL EVERYONE...write this info on every single blog, web site, anywhere you can about this company who has 3 names they use: 1) GoogleTreasureChest, 2) Money Tree, and 3) POGO EA.
now, go contact your Credit Card company if you are being charged and file a complaint with the dispute dept.