On November 9th 2006 I applied for a home refinance. I used an internet mortgage search engine. I received 8 offers and I chose the best offer. I informed Kyle of Gorman & Assoc. of this and he laughed at the other offer and know I am quoting "they should be embarrassed if this is the best they can do". So I chose him based on my pre-approval status and "high credit score" he stated we could be done in as little as two weeks.
All documents were in last piece was the appraisal he got it on 12-13-06. No response until after numerous changes to the original package on 12-26-06 and they needed to make more changes. Of course nothing had changed since 11-9-2006 but now the loan Gorman and Assoc is offering wouldn't even have beaten the worst offer I received on 11-9-2006. I had to make several higher interest rate payments due to this taking so long and now I am back to square one looking for another mortgage company.
Oh, know Gorman & Associates are billing me for credit reports they pulled and shipping fees for sending out documents for me to sign on loans they couldn't even finance! They will lie, call you non stop and barrage you with emails to get you to go with their company and then change everything 6 times.
I am not kidding I had 6 different "loan packages" set up that I was "approved" for that I would have signed. Their last offer was so bad I had to refuse and that is when I learn about their "fees". Even though I asked Kyle on the first phone conversation if there where any fees and he said "if you don't like the loan at closing walk away no problems".