As mentioned in another complaint here, the company gives your credit card number and "authorization" to another company,
Diets Central, for a "product" (which you never receive or get confirmation of) when you are making a purchase from
It displays a banner for this diet product on the checkout page with a checkbox that is by default checked and if you don't
uncheck it you've bought a "subscription". That means you will start seeing charges appear on your card statement,
in my case, for $29.95 monthly, and $2.97 monthly. the name that appeared onmy statement was "Webshape", with
a phone number of 800-485-5178. The reps that answer at that number and the recorded messages don't use a
company name, they just say you've reached "customer service". I talked with the rep and she did give me the
company name, "Diets Central" and their address, 305 West Broadway, #114, New York, NY 10013. she said she'd
refund the charges and gave me confirmation numbers on the promised refunds. She said she didn't have the info
on what website or this charge came from. I looked over the list of merchants I'd purchased vitamins and supplements
from in the last few months and thought GotBody was a prime candidate. When I called GotBody, the rep there told
me about the banner (which I'd never seen, since one doesn't look for ads when checking out but rather tends
to ignore them and look at the fields in the form that are pertinent to checking out). She said the owner of had no intention of changing his policy of doing business this way. I told her I hoped that she
would be able to find a job with a more ethical employer, and she said, "I hope so too. I'm looking." I am now
trying to decide whether to report it as fraud to my bank, and let them refund my money, which they will,
or wait to see if Diets Central will really send a refund. If I cancel my debit card number they won't be able
to make further charges, but they also wouldn't be able to post a refund. Does anyone else have experience
with this and did you ever get your money refunded from Diets Central?