The mobile no. 9810733887 which was alloted to the Deptt of Food Supplies and Consumer Affairs, K block, for official use is to be surrendered as the afformentioned mobile no. is not in use at this time. as per the bill dated 04/05/2011 an amount of Rs. has been shown outstanding which is to be paid by this department. The department is ready to pay the aforementioned amount of Rs. 1333/-. You are requested to kindly stop the charge of monthly rental and other charges if any, with immediate effect. the outstanding amount is being paid within a weeks time. you are also requested to discontinue the services on the said number (9810733887) immediately.
with regards,
yours truely
Biju Raj E.
Food & Supply Officer (General), Govt. of NCT of Delhi
K-Block, Vikas Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002