Grande Communications is one of the worst ISP's I've ever come across. Since we've(my brother & I) been living in our new apartment, which is a little over a year now, we've had our Internet shutoff several times now, due to "illegal filesharing". Yes, we sometimes download things illegally, such as music and software/programs. We don't do it often, but we do it from time to time. Grande hasn't cut us off specifically for downloading music, but it's the programs we download via-Torrents. I'd feel a lot better if Grande was monitoring pedophiles and sexual deviants with the sick things they download, rather than people who download a song here and there, or download a program on how to teach you to draw/paint using a PC Tablet.
According to Grande, when we "download illegal firesharing files", it sends off alarms to the "DMC", and in turn, they tell Grande to cut off internet service to our IP Address. When I recently called Grande, demanding them to immediately turn our internet back on, since we DO pay for it, they were a little reluctant at first, but my deep, demanding voice was more than enough persuasion for them to get the hint.
What infuriates me the most, is that the dumbass kid at the tech support over at Grande, was repeatedly accusing me of downloading a program I haven't even heard of before. When I asked him what date the issue occurred on, both my brother and I weren't downloading ANYTHING on those days, if anything just surfing the net.
So not only does Grande take it up the ass from this supposed DMC, but they falsely accuse their customers of downloading and illegally filesharing programs.
Yes, we download certain things illegally from time to time, but who honestly can say they don't or haven't before?? But the fact that we pay them for service for internet access, should NOT be monitored at all. I would see more of a reason to monitor someone who is checking out under-age sexual content, rather than someone who downloads a song or two by a Heavy Metal band from Europe.
Bottom line is, if you don't want your activities monitored when using an ISP, do NOT go with Grande Communications! Both my brother and I are looking to terminate our services with them quite soon and look elsewhere. I'm sure most other ISP's do this same exact thing, but we'll just have to wait and see.