I was invited as the JUDGE for the GOLDEN GATE INTERNATIONAL MARTIAL ARTS CHAMPIONSHIP in San Francisco with Nathan Castello and Karen my daughter booked West Jet with her points. I must say that this was the most PLEASANT / SMOOTH / ON TIME trip I ever had and Nathan was very happy. I even mentioned at the Celebration Dinner in front of the 1200 people while I was invited to STAGE. ( I AM THE RAMBO VC COMMANDER IN FIRST BLOOD / and IN THE co-ca-cola national tv commercial 1978 as BRUCE. GOOGLE ACTOR STEPHEN CHANG foe over 20 links..) Returning trip to Calgary WS1563 - 2:35 pm was delayed just before take off over an hour due to some security program and caused us to miss our connection to Vancouver and had to wait for 2 hours we suffered a lot. 1. Nathan 11 years old had to return on time for some importnat business and so do I. He was stressed and had bad experinece with West Jet then. 2. I just took off the Catheter after Prostate surgery and had to wear a diaper - an total of over 8 hours until I got home for a change
and by the next morning I was infected...no one can possibly imagine my pain unless you had my same case. I ask that your department to consider some compentions to your delays and or to re-emburse Karen's point according the length and or TO AWARD THE NEW POINTS TO HER - at least to make her happy ( Nathan is her son ) and continue to use West Jet. As for me, I can take the loss and pain - but I must share this experience for your record. Cc: Karen and Nathan