While reading thru the complaints about GrantMaster (also under Grant Master with a space) I noticed unfortunately, people are still being ripped off by these people. What I also noticed was many responses made by Ryan R (apparently with Raven Media) and he prints in his response their privacy policy and disclaimer. His says it is stated plainly that by accepting this, you'll also be getting "free" trial periods for other services. Well, that may be so but if these companies are so above board and honest about their dealings, why is it then that every single charge (6 all together) made to my bank account was done with a different company name? I would assume a reputable company would use their real name for each and every charge. So far I've found these companies:
BSM/SBA Express
BSM Grant Search
Grant Search Assistant
There are probably more. No matter how Ryan R tries to explain it away, this group is a bunch of theives and should be driven out of business!!!