My husband opened our mail today and found a charge on it again from this company, our visa statment had a charged on it for 48.16 for this month and 48.16 for last mont which las month I tried to call but NO luck. We don't know how they got my credit card number and address. I'm not happy with what is going on. Since people can steal your address and some how find your credit card in the system I'm really upset that your company is allowing this kind of behavior. Also I got a CD in the mail from Google which I'm guessing it's from this company, I tried calling and had no luck getting a hold of someone, so I sent that CD back to the re-turn address.
I would appreciate the credit be given back to my credit card, which that was not approved. If you have any questions please give me a call at 818-77-7308 . Please get back to me as soon as possible on this matter. This is not right for this company to be charging credit cards which they have not ordered anything.
Thank you,
Melody Lee