MANY websites - various phone numbers as well. Operates a TON of websites that I have read are scams.
MY details refer to the GrantsOneDay program and the related so-called "trials" for the fraud protection and the Identity Security programs. (Which I did NOT sign up for!!)
I am into these people for over $200 and they have not yet closed my account - which I have requested twice.
They refuse to refund any of the monies they took from me without authorization.
If you have had bad transactions with this guy, you should do the following:
1 - File a complaint with the Broward County, FL Sheriff (who was not at all surprised to get mine... hmmm...)
2 - File complaint with the FBI Internet Complaint Center at and
3 - File complaint with the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services at
4 - dispute all bank charges via your bank, fill out all forms completely, and keep copies for your attorney in case you need one. Send copies to the Broward County Sheriff as well, after they instruct you to do so.
DO THIS PEOPLE!! It is going to take a strong voice from all of us to get this jerk off the streets and out of our pockets!!