Great Clips
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Category: Lifestyle
Contact Information Spartanburg Sc, South Carolina, United States
Great Clips Reviews
cristille c Langley
July 8, 2011
manager compounded initial problem
You go into Great Clips off of East Blackstock where you have gone for years and years, and you are denied
service not once but twice in several years. When you speak to the manager, Christina, who mostly cuts your
hair along with the assistant, and she defends the unprofessionalism of her employee though not being
present, further compounds your insult by adding insult to the injury. Christina, claimed that she called
customers that were in Great Clips while I was there, (which I believe is bogus) but again is most unprofessional
by making that statement. To futher compound the issues, she began stating I was threatning her when I
was plainly telling her that I was the customer and that she was not there to know the circumstance. She took
the word of the employee over the customer. She is 24 years old but extremely disrepectful to a customer who
has patronized great clips prior to her ever being there. In addition, I have brought 3 new customers there within
the past few months. The actions of the mangement are intolerable from my standpoint this plainly reflects
why her employee exhibits unprofessional
behavior. Customer service and satisfaction should be most crucial. Teachers
cannot choose their students, why should hairdressers deny service and managers support such actions?
This is a very poor reflection of great clips on East Blackstock, and the management there. I have no problem
with the cuts of either Christian and Shameka but I have a strong feeling of the immaturity of not knowing
customers create dollars and it is their jobs to choose to do good work with good attitudes.
I expected a much better attitude from Christina since she cut my hair, but cutting hair and managerial
are two different issues. I do not wish to talk to Tina nor Jennifer. I have spoken with Corporate,
another GM from another Franchise and I seek to converse with the owner of the Franchise to
not only share today but some things I know that transpires that will enhance the owners business.
i expected i am so sorry you had this bad experience but instead, this Great Clips added insult to injury.
cristille c Langley
July 8, 2011
Refusal to cut my Hair
This email is regarding the great clips near Dorman Center spartanburg SC. I have been a customer for many many years
and have brought many customers to this particular location. Normally the manager and Assistant are present and cut my hair but not present at 9:15 am this am. There were only 2 cosmetologist present, Josh and Shameka. Josh was cutting hair and Shameka was washing hers initially but came out. I ask her if she were ready to cut my hair though it had been several years and she said" I cannot cut your hair. I ask calmy why she was not able to cut my hair style or what. She said, because of past times, Several years back when she and the assistant manager were closing the store early, prior to time and refused to take me and my husband I called the VP, the one who had cancer at that time.
She apologized and gave me a free hair cut then but Shameka stayed. I have contiually on a 4 week basis come to that great clips where Christine or Christina would cut my hair. In addition my husband goes there.. I have never been in a situation for Shameka to cut my hair since that incident years back. I was blown away by her discourtesy this am. This employee exhibits a very unprofessional attitude towards me in demonstration of her "nasty attitude. I initially was going to allow Josh to cut me but the more I thought about it, I notififed the Great clips in Duncan, spoke to the manager, she said she would cut my hair and take my coupon. She has called her GM and he most professionally listened to my problem though they are not owned by
the same franchise. I found him to very courteous and I received great service from the one in Duncan. Since
neither manager was at the Dorman Center I could not address this problem today... As a 52 year old former school teacher, I understand fully what professionalism is. This employee who refused to cut my hair certainly demonstrated the most negative connotation for Great Clips at that location. Yet it also reflects the name Great clips to its entirity.
I strongly encourage the appropriate channels to work with this employee to modify the behaviors as this can be
very costly to the company. As I have re-evaluated the situation, with her attitude I am glad that she did not cut my hair but what about the other ones who she cuts with a personality issue.? As a teacher I carried my liability and as
a hairdresser, I would assume just as much.. I would appreciate contact back to me via my email, [email protected]. I will start with you first to get resolution to this matter. I should have the priviledge to go to any great clips with any employee and get service without all of this drama and inconvience. I pray proper actions will take place. and I expect a response in a timely manner.
June 26, 2011
Would not accept savings coupon
I had taken my son in to get his hair cut and before I had went in I had called the store and asked them if they had any specials or deals or coupons goin on. The lady had told me to look on the back of Sentry receipts or the Advantage magazine for coupons. I don't get that magazine and so i went into the computer under the advantage website and there were printable coupons for Great Clips and I printed one off. After my sons haircut they had told me that they can't accept the coupons from the computer and they had to be straight from the magazine. I was very upset because it says nothing in the store about it and they offer them on the computer. They charged me full price. That is crap! There was not reason that they could give me as to why they don't accept them!!
June 24, 2011
Terrible Hair Cut
I had a terrible experience here. I thought I would pop in for a trim because it wasn't expensive at all, but they butchered my hair. My hair is between a short and medium angled bob, it was getting kind of long and uneven so I asked my hairdresser to trim it and be sure to follow the angle, pretty much the same cut just trimmed up. First of all she raked her comb over my head so hard my ears felt like they were going to fall off. Secondly she was silent the entire cut, I don't like to be bothered by silly chatter but she never asked me once about how she was cutting it or asked me any questions about my hair. Thirdly she was cutting my hair so fast it was like she was being timed. I heard some rumor about Great Clips getting paid more if they kept their cuts under something like 15 minutes or something but why trade quality for money when your reputation is on the line? After I went home and got a good look at it in the mirror I realized she stacked, not layered, but stacked the entire backside of my hair and butchered the other layers into an uneven mess. I am not picky when it comes to my hair, but I have hunted down this site simply to warn others to STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE!
June 23, 2011
Worst haircut(s) ever in multiple places
I am a 15 year old male and I love long hair and it works for me, but when i do go and get my hair cut, the only place i know of and can afford is "Great Clips" or as i like to refer to it as "the butcher shop", ive been to many of these "Butcher Shops" and the result is always the same- TERRIBLE! I went a few months ago to get a trim, and this rude, old hateful hag, starts running her mouth to me saying my hair is "Too thick" and starts to tell me how her son's hair is better looking than mine, and how i cant "Pull Off" long hair, but i swallowed my pride, and took it like a real man, i was as nice as i could be, she was finished in 5 mins! I looked in the mirror and my bangs looked like she had put a square piece of cardboard up to my hair and used it as a model and gave me somewhat of a "mini-mullet", so i politely told her that i dident like it and requested that someone else cut my hair to salvage the remains, and she dropped her scissors on the ground and walked out, leaving me in the chair with my jaw on the floor, even though i received a refund and a free haircut, it still bothered me, and even though the manager did what she could to fix it, it still looked terrible, but i made no fuss, and i let my hair grow back out and i ended up having a huge mullet and long bangs as well, and i lived with it until i couldent stand it any more, and i went to another great clips in another town, and since i live close to the shore, i told the woman i wanted her to get rid of the mullet and make it blend in with my hair in the front, she was nice about it, and i mentioned that i loved to surf, and she said that she was now giving me a "surfer cut" and i told her, "No, i would like you just to cut my hair the way i told you too please" and she told me that it was the same thing, so i went along with her trying not to raise a fuss, and when she was done (in about 7 mins mind you) it looked like i just walked off the set of Medieval Times, it was awful, but i once again paid the woman and left, with my head bowed trying not to be seen, i do not recommend going there and expecting a "Great Clip" because i now know that their motto should be "In and out in under 10 mins"
June 22, 2011
Do not buy a franchise from this company! They grossly misrepresent the opportunities for you. There is no room in many of the markets for you to open a salon. They lead you to believe there are several opportunities for you but they will not let you review any of the lists until you sign the franchise agreement and give them $25, 000. I have been out large amounts of time, money and effort and after almost two years have nothing to show for it. Further they will not return calls and will not help you in finding a location. Never make the mistake that I made. Buy with a reputable franchise that is upfront, honest, doesn’t withhold information and truly has your interest in mind.
Hair queen
June 15, 2011
The pay is garbage just like the company. Its like selling your soul to the devil. If you want to keep your health NEVER work here! Your a trained monkey, brainwashed by the owners and corporate..not worth busting your ass for $2.00haircuts!
Blindsided employee
June 3, 2011
Fired for no reson and without warning
I was an employee of this great clips for going on 3 years. I have been thru 3 managers and numerouse employees I have neer seen such turnaround in my life. I was let go because my co-workers decided to gain up on me and say I have an attitude which is completly untrue. I have some of the best numbers in this salon and have a high number of request. I got a phone call from our franchise owner and was given the option to quit or be fired now let me tell you that I have not been written up or talked to untill this moment so I was completly blindsided. I refused to sign something that was untrue and although this is not my dream job it was a job! Now why was i fired when I was working 35-40 hours a week and everyone elses hours dropped because they did not hit there numbers. Why? I would never sugesst anyone for for this company you are over worked and under appreciated!!! I would highly suggest you find anything other than any great clips THEY SUCK!!! In three years I never had a review or a raise and made barly over minmum wage.
May 28, 2011
Poorly treated staff
I was hired at Great Clips just couple weeks ago. They knew this was my first job out od cos school. I worked as receptionist only for 4 days until I went to their Great Clips training for 3 days. The class was 80 miles way for me so I stayed with a friend who lived closer. Still this cost me a great deal in gas not to mention 3 days away from my family.
After day 2 of class I checked my phone messages and saw my salon had called during that class. I immediately called back and wa very accusingly told by one of the employees there that the manager tried to get a hold of me to find out my hours for class. After telling her I was under the impression the trainer reported our hours attended as we were signed in to the computer there.
She patronizingly told me there was 'no way' they could do that as there are far too many people for the trainer to report it. Strange, there were only 13 of us in the area market attending and I was scheduled BY MY MANAGER to take said classes.
I asked 'rude employee' if she wanted to write down my hours since my manager was busy giving a haircut to which she told me
to call back. I said for her to have my manager go ahead and call me at her convenience. Rude employee said very snotty, "well ANSWER YOUR PHONE!"
Before I could even get the words, 'I was in class, ' out of my mouth, she'd hung up on me! HELLO?! We are not allowed to have our phones on in class
Manager called back, was polite and pleasant and Said 'Rude employee'
could be weird like that sometimes.
Day 3 after training on my way home I was told by my friend who wanted to come in for a hairc ut that she just called the salon to find out when I was working. They told her I was working on a day that I had off.
I called to make sure. Yay, me! Rude Employee answered. I asked her if I was working Friday telling her that on my schedule copy it said I was off. She just laughed saying, "Well, it may have changed."
"Without anyone notifying me?" I asked.
"Well, how am I supposed to know that? I had plans to spend that day with my son who's leaving for a month, ". And also hadn't seen since before training.
"You just have to check, " she said.
This seemed odd to me. So...was she suggesting I call e ery day or hf day just to see if there'd been a change. I have NEVER heard of any business being run this way. As it turned out she said I was NOT scheded for Friday.
So, just to be clear how things are done there, I told her I had no problem coming in if called and I wasn't already otherwise committed for any given day for an appointment or other obligation.
To this she replied, "Honey, Great Clips is your obligation now."
She told me I should have requested that Friday off if I wanted to be with my son! Why would I have to when I already had it off?!
Whatever! I was on the floor as a stylist the next day. I averaged 35 minutes for haircut...a big no-no for Great Clips who wants to cycle clients through as rapidly as possible. I didn't have to work with Rude Employee, thankfully. Just me and a nice guy who's been there 4 months.
I asked him if what Rude Employee said was true and he said not rely, but that they might call you in if needed sometimes. Not a problem!
He made a comment about Rude Employee being hard to deal with sometimes. That made me feel better. That's 2 people now who have said she's a pain.
Next day I was off and was scheduled to work today at 10 to 4 or 6.
I studied up on my shortcuts for doing hair as per Great Clips training on my day off and headed in today.
Got my station set up, went to clock in and was stopped by Rude Employee who said, "You know you're not scheduled till 2, right?"
"The schedule on my fridge says 10."
I turned to look at their schedule and it said 2!
"They must have changed it, " she said.
"Without telling me...?"
"I guess...remember what I told you..."
NiceGuy employee offered to leave so I didn't have to drive an hour home just to come back at 2, and Rude said that no, she would leave as she was feeling nauseous. I was pretty nauseated at this unprofessionalism, myself.
I packed my station telling NiceGuy I was leaving. He said, "Nah, don't leave. I'll go."
I went to get the rest of my stuff out of locker where I saw Rude and floater ( whose schedule had been changed to mine that day) and said, "I'm out."
Rude said, "No, I'll leave."
I told her, "Nope, I'm outta' here. This is the second time something like this has happened in under 2 weeks. I'm not going to work for a company that's run this way. It's ridiculous!"
So, think about what you are getting into before working for this bottom of the heap salon. Maybe there are great very well-run great Clips out there, but do your homework on the shop first.
"You have to check
May 25, 2011
RUDE to a child
I have never written a complaint or review... but after this experience, I needed to.
I took my 6 year old son to this Littleton, CO (Simms and Ken Caryl), Great Clips today. It was an awful experience. Our stylist's name was ANGEL. She was the opposite of an "angel". She was so rude to my son he almost started crying. She started yelling at him and in the meanest voice, repeatedly said "sit up straight" and "don't move, otherwise I will cut you". I didn't say anything to her during the haircut but tried to focus on my son, who was sitting perfectly still. Afterwards, she scolded me and said I needed to wash my son's hair! I explained that she was rude to my son and asked her to make a note in our file that we do not want her in the future. She said this can't be done (but we have left notes about hair cut and style in the past). I left without leaving a tip...but really shouldn't have any paid for her services. She was SO RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL I was shaking. We will never go back to ANY Great Clips.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
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