GREEN TREE SERVICING SERVICES MOST OF THE DEUTCHE BANK LOANS, THAT WERE BOUGHT PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR - BUT MOST OF THE DEED OF TRUSTS WERE NOT RECORDED, MOST TILL NOW, WHICH PRETECTS THEM FROM ENRICHMENT TAX. MOST OF THE LOANS PLACED FROM 2005 TILL 08 WERE ON PREDATORY LENDING BASIS, I have a current pending law suit against Green Tree Servicing, Fidelity National Title Co & Deutche Bank, so far after presenting to the court "FORENSIC LOAN AUDIT REPORT" done by expert loan underwriters, most of the motions are granted, lis pendence filed, which prevents them selling at auction, according to federal statues TILA and RESPA (truth in lending act) violations are not valid if it is over 2 years, on the other hand "Intentional misrepresentaion"
today, I received a letter from Green Tree advising that they have sold my service to Quantum Servicing (which use to be a mother company of Green Tree, were involved in fraudelent foreclosures, bankruptcies etc.)
If you want a class action - please contact me
my case number, for those who does not believe is: Los Angeles Superior Court (North Central Glendale)
case # EC052474