If you google this company you will find a very long complaint blog on the practices of this company.I am originally from the Paulding Co. GA area but 10 years ago my husband and I pulled up stakes and headed west to a small town in Alabama, Fruithurst, We bought a mobile home from a local dealer and had it set up .
Unknowing of the future we signed a contract naming Greentree Financial as our mortgage company .My husband was hurt on the ob three years ago he is now on disability and workmans comp. and I have a part time job so we are late with our payments but we do make them. I do't know how but they have gotten my mom and dads phone number and have started calling them and harassing them about if they own the land I live on or not. They told them it didn't matter anyway because we were in litigation anyway That's not true I wasn't even a month late. They called my sister-in-law and told her the same thing I thought that all went against my privacy law act. Is this legal my mom is 69 years old and my dad is 72 . They live about 300 miles away from me in North Ga .
How is it legal to harass them when their name is nowhere on my paperwork. They are very hateful They also staed that the land I live on is tied up with my mobile home. That's not true either And they said I owe over 99, 000 dollars . Also, untrue. My thing is I have no desire to lose my home it's not much but it's all I got. But I can't live in it if every month they call my older paren't's and various members of my family and harass the this way its not right and it doesn't seem ethical. i know I'm not the only one with these problems look around, google greentree..You'll find out its becoming worse and worse with them and they treat some people worse than me.