This is a story about a so called company called Premier Greeting Cards Inc. Whcih was suppose to be out of Philadelphia, Penn. Back on Aug 3, 2007 I sent 2 wire transfers, which both totaled up to $35,603. For a distributorship. Which was suppose to be 20 stores. After I had checked them out best as I could. Premier was member of Better Business Bureau and Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce Premier gave me other so called distributors, phone numbers. Which I did call, from several different states. They told me I could make good money doing this business.
The placement company, that Premier sent for me to have my cards and display racks. {20 display racks and 8,000 cards} Was none other than Vendsmart Placement company out of Tuscaloosa, Alabama . Which I gave them also $2,490 , was suppose to be $3,000 for the 20 locations. They could only find 15 and never the 20 locations. Bottom line David Addison of Vendsmart and Tim Harris of Premier Greeting cards will one day get what's coming to them , from none other than Almighty God. For unless they repent, and turn away from scamming others. They will both be cast into the Lake of Fire, even if their names really aren't David Addison or Tim Harris, for God knows their real names. It doesn't matter. For one day on judgment day, these scammers, will get what's coming to them... I'm out over $38,000 from these 2 companies. Please do yourself a favor. If it sounds to good to be true, it is probably a SCAM... Scammers phone numbers... Premier Greeting Cards phone number 888 238-1635 Vendsmart 800 714-8126.