Greg Cavallaro has gone on the internet to slam companies who he feels deserves it. Sometimes things go wrong but that doesn't mean that you need to attack someones reputation on the internet.
We sat back for a few years while Greg Cavallaro continued to post negativity. We now feel it has gone to far and it is time to fight back. We probably should have started to fight back sooner, but we cannot change that now.
By opening a Monavie Juice Scam in Alamogordo New Mexico, Greg Cavallaro has shown what he is really about. How could he not know that MonaVie Juice is an outright scam. Anyone doing a Google search on MonaVie Juice can see this for themselves.
Hopefully this will help the next business owner who deals with Greg Cavallaro. If you are reading this Greg, think twice before you attack someone. You should have learned that lesson a long time ago.