Greyhound has a 90 day policy - if your parcel is lost and reported within 30 days of sending it, they give 90 days to rectify the situation. If it's not recovered within 90 days then they pay out the value of the package to you and if they find it after that they still return it to you, regardless of payout. So my wife was informed when she called to report a missing package. 91 days later they returned the package, which had been opened and used (GameBoy inside, along with article specific to my northern work that were then useless and non-returnable after being missing for over 90 days). The package was opened, resealed, and PARTY BOX had been written on the side.
Then Greyhound refused to honor it's own policy and pay out the $300 of the contents, offering only $30 for one missing game that whoever had been using it as a PARTY BOX had forgotten to put back inside. The Customer Service rep, A. Camarillo convinced my wife that this was her only option. According to her he was arrogant and condescending, which I've since verified by talking to him myself.
Is this the kind of company you want to entrust goods to, either as a company or a consumer? I think not - company materials clearly aren't secure or respected (this was sent as part of a regular weekly shipment) and who wants to send a care package to a loved one working away from home that will never get there?