For months e-mailed me and told me i had passed up 1, 000.00 commissions. 26 to be exact. prior to deleting the e-mails I thought maybe this is legit - i responded with a how much will this cost and Michael Marlin - probably using a different name now - contacted me at home on a Saturday. he reviewed the system, showed me my geneology, said i had 4 affiliates and a potential 6 more and indicated i would be paid in 2-3 days if I overnighted the money to him. Could not send credit card or check - only money order.
Coming off a 2 year and 12, 000.00 custody battle for my daughter i was looking to supplement my full time job by working at home. not get rich - just be able to work and earn a little. Of course not only did I send Michael bread from my table - but I needed that money to pay my day care bill - but he was very convincing. When I didn't get it and called him he even answered the first time and said he would look into it.
He gave me the address of the Nevada branch - his personal cell - which I can't believe the cell phone companies haven't shut down.
This man has no moral fiber. The Michael Marlins of this world should enjoy their riches - the cost of their deeds will be paid and no money in the world will buy him one more day.
He will reap what he has sown. Make restitution Michael!!!
P.S.. He has retrieved and erased all evidence of e-mailing me - probably has broken into all aspects of my computer - I can't wish him ill but if anyone wants to go get him good luck. I could promise you 21, 000.00 to off him but then I would be the con.