First off, the company operates under many names... probably just a testimony to how shady they are.
Last year, I bought a 'guaranteed computer package' for about $150. It was a huge pain because they wouldn't come out to the house, and did everything over the internet... which required them to call back about a dozen times to finally finish the job. Well... after that, Trend Micro expired on my computer... a software I PAID for through this company. When I tried to renew my subscription, Trend flagged me as a software pirate after collecting my renewal information.
The copy of Trend Micro's Internet Security was a 'cracked' version, and now they are threatening to take legal action. To make matters worse, I still have's 'Custom' crap software displaying error messages all the time. I have reported this company as the vendor that supplied the 'cracked' version of Trend Micro's product. This company registered my and other clients product using the email address '[email protected]'.
If any of you suspects any of these companies of doing the same to you, please report it to the FBI CyberCrimes division!