We are a military family that lived in Harbor Oaks for their usual 11 month contract. We did not have very many complaints while living there except that the apartments still have asbestos. However 6 MONTHS after we had moved out we received a call from a collections agency saying we did not pay move out fees for the apartments, which of course we had. The apartment complex had never contacted us with a phone call or a letter saying they did not receive our payment, they just sent out a collection. After a good bit of heartache going back through our records from 6 months before and get everything to the collections agency under time constraints to clear our credit. There are no repercussions to companies that do this!
After our stress, I spoke with a friend who is also a military wife that lived in Harbor Oaks to find out that the same thing happened to them when they moved out! She also told me that after she had signed the lease and was doing a final walk-through for the apartment, the lady who did the walk-through with her said it was her last day because she could not stand to work with people who were just out to get their clients. In other words- even the workers don't want to be there!
Bottom line- save yourself a call from the collections agency!