This place is a scam! They have multiple ways to get you. I’m on my way to the BBB website, but I’m filling out every site on the way. I bought a NordicTrack treadmill with financing from HCCredit.
The first way they get you—They constantly change their due dates. I saw the part on the contract that told me when they would send the statement—mine is the third Friday of every month—but I missed the part that the date changes. What other company does this? When I called today and spoke the CSR (who told me he was the floor supervisor answering the phone due to high call volume) and asked him several times for their billing cycle, he told me it could run anywhere from 28-35 days. Don’t think that they don’t know that that will screw up your budgeting and make you have a late slip up.
The second way they get you—I’m curious as to how many times they have changed their website. I called today-5/8-after trying to pay my bill yesterday online. I couldn’t pay it online because they changed their website. You couldn’t go in with your old login and set up your account again that way—you had to enter all the information in again, including this “access code” from your statement. I don’t save my paper, I try not to get it if I don’t have to, and I shred. I get electronic confirmations. I didn’t have the access code, so I couldn't set up my account (that I just set up 3-4 months ago) and couldn’t pay my bill. Additionally, I have never worked with a company that changed their website and login procedure that didn’t send you some type of notification to give you a heads up.
Now I know I made some mistakes. I wrote down that my bill was due the 8th rather than the 7th, however, I tried to pay it on the website on the 7th, but couldn’t. But here’s the third way they get you…
The third way—If you try and call to get any information, they stonewall you. If they don’t want to talk to you anymore, they apparently hang up on you. I was hung up on by a woman named "Kat" who wouldn't put me on the phone with the supervisor that I had been speaking to less than 5 minutes before. That is just ridiculous!
So now, because my payment was 10 hours late one time, truly because of the changed website, I have a $39.00 late fee (I’ll take some responsibility—I’d pay that), AND my “promotional” interest rate went up more than 5% (there is no way I’m taking that!)