I am having my salary account in HDFC bank, Sec-18 Noida. Since I opened my account I have not third party transfer activated( Transfer funds online to any other bank account). Its good that this service is not on by default ( due to online fraud and security issues). I am interested in this service but they never asked me while opening the account wheather I am interested in this service. Now I don't have this service. Due to this I am facing lots of problems. So I went to branch office and asked to activate this service. I filled the form and submitted. Then they asked me a photo ID proof. I said I am having my PAN card. They told ok, find a HDFC boy and asked him to do photo state for you. Now I have to first find a HDFC boy who is responsible for this duty and then get it photostate. See how easy it is to find that guy in all HDFC customer, agents and HDFC staff crowd. What a kind of service. In most of other bank staff member calls the responsible guy and asked him to do. Don't think this is end of problem this is the beginnning.
After that they asked me to self atteste the photocopy of PAN card. I did. Then she told your signatures are matching with our record but not the one thats on PAN. I told these two are different signature and over the period this got changed. Also there was problem scanning problem due to that my PAN card signature are not properly visible.I told you need ID proof then match the ID and photo why signature. I tried 2-3 times but it was not exact match. Then she told have practice then do. I don't know what all they were trying except wasting my and her time. Then I approached the bank manager thinking that he would understand this problem. The guy was over smart and gave me a lecture and explaining that since last 40 years his(bank manager) signature is not changed. Asking why do you have two signature. Let suppose I might have given a Passport as my ID proof and my photo of passport dont match with my current face cut. So He might have told that why did u let ur face cut change. Go and get it reshaped that the one on my Passport photo only then u will get our services. The most stupid and illitrate kind of argument from such a senior post person. He has not sense to talk about solution or how should treat customer. I guess HDFC have big customer base that they can't manage and thats why scared to give services to customers. Actually they want to reduce their customer base by such means.My God. You see how difficult to get one service activated from HDFC bank. Still I don't have that service active neither I have hope nor will to attempt and face such stupid HDFC staff.
HDFC bank has policy that you can't do cash deposite from other branches to your account. This facility is provided almost all banks including SBI. They justify that we want to restrict cash flow as per their so called norms. I have one more account in *SOME OTHER bank*. Its from Pune ICICI bank branch but I don't face any problem to operate that from NOIDA. As All services are available through online and I can deposite cash from any branch of ICICI bank. ATM all that I need to withdrawl (most of time). Before anyone open account in HDFC bank, think if he need urgent money and he wants cash withdrawl they might not give. As they want to limit cash flow. So even if you have money in ur HDFC account you can't use it don't you know HDFC norms. Think twice before opening the account in HDFC.
I don't know if this will help me or not but I want everyone should be aware of poor HDFC staff and their out class services.
Could any body help me to activate my third party fund transfer from HDFC bank.