HE Agency or High-End Agency or HE Entertainment and Louis Leraz AKA Louis Zarel are all FRAUDS.
HE Agency does not exist. It is not listed as a business in California, NewYork, Florida or anyothe sate.
There is no physical address or telephone numbers, no employees and there is no HE Corporation.
None of these companies are real and Louis illegally uses trademark (TM) and copyritght (C) symbols on their names as there is no filing for any of these companies with the US patents and trademarks. (easy to check).
Louis Zarel or real name supposedly Louis Leraz (Zarel spelled backwards) is a con man and a petty thief.
He preys on young men, women and children trying to advance careers is music, modeling and acting.
He takes thier money for portfolios, video's and shoots and never delivers the product. He stays in touch with you long enough to take your money then he hides behind an "800" service for his cell phone so you can never get his real telephone number. All telephone numbers related to his website domain information are all disconnected. There is no way to contact him after he steals your money.
He is a complete Fraud just like his company. He changes company names and telephone numbers regularly to hide from people he has screwed.
He is a COWARD and A PETTY THIEF. A CON MAN and A FRAUD. Keep you Children AWAY!