Head Redme is also known as James Donman. Do a google search on his name and you'll see why you should avoid this thieving liar and devil worshiper.
Head Redme is an old, dilapidated, smelly pervert who likes to try to lure young women and young men into compromising positions saying that it's "for a video" or "for a motion picture".
He likes to make you sign a piece of paper, claiming it is only a formality. He gets your government ID number. He sues you in court in Toronto, and threatens you. He commits fraud using your government ID.
James Donman aka Head Redme will soon be unable to perpetuate his satanic ways upon this world. But until then- beware!
Also be aware that if you do sign a contract with Head Redme and he sues you- YOU WILL WIN IN COURT!!