Heald College

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Heald College Reviews

Governorcf May 17, 2011
Unfair Hiring Practrices
I recently applied for a Criminal Justice instructor position at Healds San Jose location. I have worked in law enforcement for 30 years, and hold a Community College Life Time Teaching Credential. The interview was going fine, until 10 minutes into the interview, when an Administrator by the name of "Nelly" enters the room. She doesn't introduce herself, simply looks at my Resume, then states, "your not qualified, you don't have a BA degree". I explained to her that The Creditial meets all of their MQ's, plus they have other locations that employ instructors with said creditials. She then stated she was late for another appointment, then left. The two original interview members went from basically giving me a job, to the excuse that they don't have any jobs avaiable. I explained that I have taught (39 different subject matters) for 10 years at our academy, have a paralegal certicificate, was in politics for 8 years, and wrote and implemented our departments Use of Force policy statewide, not only was I qualified, but met the MQ's per the Chancellor's office of Community Colleges for the state of California.. They could have cared less. Ms. Nelly set the tone. Whats really too bad is that they are supposed to be an Equal opportunity Employer, but they don't even follow their own hiring practrices, nor know what they are. Unfortunately, their students suffer from not having instructors with actual field and real lifetime experience vs having some 22 year old instructor that is wet behind the ears, and knows nothing about real life, yet alone the subject matter they are teaching. To top it off, Heald only pays a little more than minimum wage.. No wonder they can't get experienced staff. Disappointed... Signed Wayne F
tinkerbell 39 May 7, 2011
kicked out of college
I was addent helad college with my sister . we both had same class but we got explied for different reasons I got explied for being sick with the cold and fever two times the first time that i got sick was on mar and the second time was on april .My sister mayra got explied for miss a lot of class because on mar her daughter had pneumonia and she had to stay in the hosplit for one week and the second times was that she had the cold and fever.
attendees April 30, 2011
They care more for $$$ than helping u
if YOU decide to go to heald college..think again...U MUST READ THIS!!!


Their advisor will tell U any lie to get you in. PLEASE NOTE: The ADVISOR are the salesman...salesman tells lie...
--The advisor told me I can take a leave of absense no matter the situation.
--I can change from morining class to night class if anything comes up.
--I can take online class.
--I can get a $100 gas card if I refer a friend.
--I can get my degree in 2 years.

--The advisor lied about being able to take a leave of absense (LOA) for the quarter. The only reason your program director can grant u a LOA is w/dr. note or military duty...ADVISOR=LIERS!!!

--I can't change from moring to night class...because all morning classes are FULL. The only time I can get in the morining class is IF there's an opening, that's what the student services told me...PRETTY STUPID HE SOUNDS LIKE HE DOESN'T EVEN WANT TO HELP ME.

--Yes, i can take online class if they cannot work w/my work schedule...BUT IT COST $125 more per class and per quarter..., which your loans or finanal aid doesn't cover...WHICH THEY DIDN'T TELL ME THAT IT WILL NOT COVER!!! These are the hidden fee!!! BEWARE. out of my pocket in a year i own $1300.
--i refer a friend to heald and was "suppose" to get my $100 gas card...BUT NO...everytime I ask them about it their excuse is "we ran out but we'll place a order for you." BULLSHIT! LIERS! they just want more $$$ to come in but doesn't follow through w/their words!! !LIERS!! i ASK couple of students and they were given the same excuse.

--after graducating...i have to come back for another year to get my degree. This is how they keep you coming back so their $$$ keeps coming in...SUCH LIERS!!! the 2 years that i was working so freaking hard was to get an "applied in learning degree"--meaning brain knowlegde only...not a degree !!!

So with a total of $27, 000 in loan that i own, now i still have to go back to get my degree, which will total up to $35, 000. That's only LOANS! they have so many hidden fees that they won't tell you about n those hidden fees have to b pay out of your pocket.

For example, if you take a LOA "before' the quarter ends you will own then thousand of dollars. They don't want to help you. If you don't know and choose to take the LOA during the quarter and when you decide to come back there will be a huge amount of bills you'll have to pay b4 re-enrolling. When you talk to them, they won't give you better suggestion like "it's best if you finish the quarter first b4 taking the LOA, that way you won't own any $$." BUT NO! THE MORE YOU OWN THEM...THE MORE $$$ THEY GETS.

MsGeorge March 29, 2011
I enrolled in June and was given a set amount for tuition and I was told that I would have a set amount and that it would not go up. However I was told this quarter that my tuition would be increasing and there is nothing I can do about it. The guy who advised me it would not go up has been terminated for the false information. My number is 2099387277
liljaded March 25, 2011
False Representation
I had Arlandis McClain as an advisor when I enrolled at Heald. I kept getting phone calls from the same phone number over and over. Frustrated, I finally answered and asked who it was that keeps calling me. He told me he was calling from Heald college. I said I wasn't that interested I was just on the internet checking out possibilites. He then asked me if I was looking for a job. I told him I was half heartedly looking for a job. He told me Heald had opportunities for students to work at Heald. I thought that would be a great opportunity. I could get an education and work at the same time.
When I first had a meeting with Arlandis I told him I was very interested in being a student employee. I was given a test to see if I was eliglbe to go to Heald, turns out I was (and so could anybody) then I was lead to financial aid. I didn't understand at the time that this was a very unethical practice. One should be speaking to financial aid before they take what turned out to be a placement test.
Arlandis also told me that the school was fully accredited and any credits that I accumlated at Heald could be transferred over. When I questioned that, because I was lead to believe differently, Arlandis assured me that they were fully accredited and not only that, but I would be a certified paralegal at the end of the program. Again I questioned that, and given assurance about being certified. As it turns out in our first quarter a couple of our teachers had informed us that we would have to take a test in Stockton in order to become certified. Anybody can take that test. If one were to work as a receptionist in a law firm without an education and felt they were knowlegeable they could take the cert test.
They also lied about all the help they would give as far as looking for work while being a student there, and graduates that would have a job lined up for them as soon as they graduate. Their excuse the whole time I was at the school for not having the resources they claim to have is that they are a new school. They didn't have any books in the LRC (Learning Resource Center). The ladies that worked in the LRC, although they were nice, they weren't very helpful to many of the students there. The type of help I would get from Ashley Love, the career services advisor were mass emails telling students they were hiring at Subway, and Taco Bell. They claimed to have contacts that hire exclusively from Heald because of their reputation. The job referals were nothing short of the career services department looking on craigs list, monster and possibly career builder. They claim to work with your schedule, however many students who signed up for daytime classes due to work and family, were getting classes in the afternoon. Sometimes they would work with a student on this, however it seemed to be a hassle, especially since they ask you what time you would like to attend classes when you first sign up for school. Classes ran for about 4 hours. For some classes we would go over the subject of the class for 2 hours, then the rest of the time was spent on chatting, and speaking about things that were off topic. The teachers can be nice, if you're looking for a friend. But on an academic level most of them were not very helpful at all.
From my experience at Heald, and I have many friends who have left Heald due to the same reasons, I would advise anybody to NOT GO TO SCHOOL THERE. I would stay away from any schools that give you promises that sound too good. Remember, if it sounds to good to be true then it probably is.
b.veryupset January 29, 2011
no financial aid
I have had the hardest time trying to get information on my financial aid, first I was told that my second quarter I over spent so I wasn't going to get financial aid so I said ok. My third quater was never processed and who knows what's happening with my fourth and fifth quarters. When I requested my excess funds back (in Oct.) I was told it would take 10 weeks to receive it well here we are almost feburary and still nothing! I would not recommend Heald to anyone now I'm stuck playing back and forth with the financial aid department not knowing what to do. If anyone has any suggestions I'm open to hearing it.
peace07 December 31, 2010
over aggressive
I recently was interested in the Heald college in Modesto. My sister and my boy friend were as well. I made a phone call to them informing them that we were interested in the school and would like to make an appointment to check out the school and ask a couple questions. So we made an appointment with an advisor named arlandis. He sounded very nice and respectful over the phone and was glad we were interested in the school. So we made it fifteen minuets early to our appointment and saw arlandis. He explained some things about the school, why its a good school, and why we should attend it. We then went on to take the tour of the school with him. Towards the end of the tour he shows us the computer lab and asks us if we want to take the assessment test, when we had told him that we were only there to learn about the school to see if we wanted to go there. We then told him that we would like to make another appointment for that and he told us that the only way we would be able to talk to a financial aid advisor was if we were to take the test. Which was a lie because when we did decide to take the test and see a financial aid person she never once looked at our scores. Arlandis just wanted us to take the test to make sure we were able to pass the test to even be able to go to the school so that they didn't have to waist any time on student that weren't even smart enough to go to their school. So after we took the test arlandis then took us back to his office and had us sign a bunch of papers. He didn't even ask if we wanted to attend the school. So after signing a bunch of papers (which we shouldn't have even done) we got to talk to the financial aid person which showed us that the course we wanted (which was medical) was really expensive. Arlandis really pushed the school on us, he didn't even give us a chance to make up our minds. He really pressured us to sign papers and get everything done in a couple of days. He informed us that we should still take a look at other colleges but theres "none out there better than theirs". So at the end of our days of appointments with heald, arlandis told us that there were seats saved for us. So we went on to look at other colleges. We went to talk to kaplan which we didn't have to sign a single paper the first 2 appointments of talking to an advisor. We did the tour, found out some facts about the school, and didn't even have to talk to a financial aid person to find out how much our course cost. Were very satified with kaplan and sent arlandis an email telling him that we were no longer interested. His attitude from then on changed dramatically. He was very rude, slouched in his chair as if he were irritated. He started telling us all these bad things about kaplan. He then had one employee come in that had worked at kaplan before, Amanda. She then went on about how kalpan isn't good for us. Arlandis then had us write a letter stating why we weren't interested in the school anymore. We are now receiving many calls from different people from heald asking why we are not interested in attending their school. I then called arlandis to ask them to stop calling us and he again he was rude and said theres nothing he can do about it. I then asked him if we were enrolled anymore and he did this really rude laugh at me and told me we were never enrolled at "their school". He then said "all i can tell you is that your kaplan material" in a stupid way. I took that as an insult and asked him what was that supposed to mean, and he answered by saying i was going to kaplan. I wish we never went to talk to that school in the first place. ALL THEY ARE TRYING TO DO IS GET MONEY AND MAKE THEIR QUOTA.
SalinasGamerGirl November 30, 2010
Full time/Part time status
Recently, I've had a storm of issues with the Salinas Heald and their attention to details regarding Full-time/Part-time status.
So initially I got let go from temp work and decided to take up a new line of work: Medical Assisting. Since my income at my temp job was considerable, I didn't qualify for grants and had to go with loans. I was told by the financial aid person (who doesn't work there anymore) that I would be going part-time the first quarter, then full-time the rest of the way. Ok, sounds good so far. 2nd Quarter comes up, I was given full-time classes and assumed everything was normal and finished another quarter (.. normal except for a unprofessional English teacher by the name of Mr.Farson whose verbal abuse towards the class made "learning" a painful process). Third Quarter starts up and everything is going with a full-time schedule... until the 5th/6th quarter in. I got sent a number of emails (student and personal emails) and three phone calls (cell and home) by an individual named Ms. Pass who threatened that I would potentially be dropped from classes if I didn't stop by her office and resolve an issue. I couldn't help but panic a little bit and I headed back to school to figure things out. Apparently I wasn't supposed to get full-time coursework but, part-time and now I owe roughly $5, 000. I spent the next week trying to get it resolved and they couldn't (or didn't want to) do anything for me. The best thing they could do was trying to offset things and give me two quarters of part-time classes to offset this mistake.
I feel like my whole experience there has been lackluster and within this last week, I've heard about a few lawsuits brewing and I've read some of the other comments on here regarding credits not transferring to other schools?!?!? I was hoping to become an RN after Heald but this whole time at Heald may be for nothing?
I work so hard to be professional and keep really good grades but for what? I'm considering just leaving and trying to figure out a plan B. Suggestions??
Mike i783 November 27, 2010
biased instructors and staff
Another thing that I forgot to add in the previous complaint "unprofessional IT instructor", if Heald College has the Financial Resources to establish new programs such as Construction Management, Pharmacy Technician and so on, why cannot they institute just one class covering Macintosh Computers? They don't have to invest in a dozen iMac Computers, but rather the Mac mini's.

Even though Mac's only account for 10% of the market, they are still very widely used in University Settings, Professionals, and other areas as well. Myself and other IT Students have asked that a Macintosh Class be taught (one class), however we get the same response as usual; "Research It !!!" Research will not always be of help nor a consistent guidance for those interested in learning about Mac's. There has to be actual hands on involved so the student can apply the knowledge that was received during lecture and assignments.

As far as I can tell, this well never happen since the IT Program Director at the Campus I attended is so very Anti-Mac Biased !!! This is a very good example of an individual who is very arrogant, condescending, and not willing to be open to new areas of Technology.
Mike i783 November 16, 2010
unprofessional IT Intstructor
During my attendance in 2009 at Heald College. For the Final for one of my classes, we were required to give an Oral Presentation on any topic that is geared towards our major, for mines it was on "Mac OS X Snow Leopard".

When I had completed my oral presentation and was leaving the classroom, one of the IT Instructors I had the previous quarter raised his arm and pointed his finger at me and began to ridicule at me in a very loud unprofessional manner on the Visual Aid ( iMac Box ) I had brought in. He was doing this right in the middle of the hallway in front of other students as well. He also continued to state on how Mac's / Apple Products are complete crap & sh**ty products, etc ...

I felt completely disrespected and got very offended as well!!! What kind of an a**hole IT instructor would have the guts to do this to a student ???

If you have an absolute major problem with a Student who is a Mac User:
1) you lack the knowledge nor even know a thing about Macs
2) you are a complete biased idiot!
3) you would rather enjoy insulting other Mac Users/making up your own facts and opinions about Apple products, in addition to encourage others to stay away from Mac's!
4) you used a Mac for 5 seconds then gave up!

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