Heald College
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Category: Lifestyle
Contact Information San Jose, California, United States
Heald College Reviews
November 12, 2010
Expired Sodium Chloride
In our labs this past week we using expired 0.9% Sodium Chloride injections. We were not only injecting our fellow class mates but also outside volunteers. The expiration date was Dec 2006... This upsets me because now I wonder what if any harm it can do to you and also why was this inventory not disposed off on expiration. We have been taught in this very class that all medications have got to be destroyed. Why are there still bottles of sodium chloride still in the inventory 4 years after expiration date? The teacher was informed of the expiration date; she immediately removed everyone from the class room, gathered up all of the bottles and disappeared for 45 minutes. Upon return she advised us that this was not harmful and we would not experience anything from using this. In the real world this person, our instructor would have been fired on the spot. Nothing happened to her and I don’t even know if she was even reprimanded. This is a regulation of HIPPA and the FDA and something should have been done. I pay a lot of money to go to this school and I don’t feel safe any longer, and am appalled that this erroneous mistake could have even happened. Even if there is or was no danger, what would have happened if this was actually a drug being administered?
November 11, 2010
Unethical Practices with students and security
i have been a student at heald college for over a year now and have come to realize that the school is very money oriented. not just through admissions. about 8 months ago there was an admissions advisor who was "let go" his name is michael macneill. he is the person who puts on the central coast throwdown mixed martial arts fights located at a local high school here in salinas. he and his girlfriend who currently works as the LRC coordinator, Rocio Rodriguez have been running their own private business out of heald college for MONTHS NOW, and are using students and security staff to work these events. mr. macneill would advertise these fights all over school campus, he and his girlfriend both sold tickets while on the clock to both students and staff, profiting all the money and hiring students and security to work these events. i was told by mr. macneill that i would be getting paid $100 to work security at the front door, but not to say anything to anyone else working because i would be the only person getting paid. at the end of the fights after all was said and done, i asked mr. macneill and rocio were my money was and they both told me, you knew this was a volunteer event, if you dont like it you dont have to work it anymore. not only were they pulling this scam on the students, but they are also using the security hired through heald to work the events as well. since nobody was paid, nobody from the staff or student population feels they should take part in this little scandal. if you go into the student lounge, rocio rodriguez puts up flyers for every fight as well as sending out emails to students to remind them of ticket sales. mr. macneill has been doing this to students and staff that are unknowing of his plans at the end of each fight, he tells the individuals im only paying you so dont mention it to the other, this way nobody mentions anything to one another about receiving compensation for working the fight. he expects us to work a full 10 hour shift, without at least supplying as much as some food and bottled water for his workers. rocio rodriguez even has flyers posted on her wall behind her desk of each fight that has taken place. together both they have gotten students to advertise their fights promising them commission for every ticket sold and for every 100 flyers put up. im sure some of you have gotten these flyers on your windshield after coming out of your local grocery store or mall here in salinas. those flyers were put up by students who were told they would be paid but never were. each of the security workers and students that have worked the event all stated that if they knew they werent going to get paid, they would have never agreed to work the event, but being in the economy that were in, the offer presented by both mr. macneill and his girlfriend was to good to pass up at the time. i am writing this letter in hopes that heald college representatives from the local office research these fights you can even go to http://www.myspace.com/centralcoastthrowdown
and visit mr macneills upcoming events as well as previous events, im sure rocio probably even has old flyers sitting in her envoy as we speak.
i just want honest people working for a college that has honest students that shouldnt have to worry about getting screwed over like this from a staff member, especially one who was fired because of this and another that is still continuing his dirty work around campus. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP OUR SALINAS HEALD COLLEGE STUDENTS BY GETTING RID OF THESE POISINOUS LEECHES THAT WANT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING BUT YET PROMISE INCOME IN RETURN...
Mike i783
November 7, 2010
As of 2009, Heald College was purchased by Corinthian Colleges Inc, and they are now a for-profit institution.
The main objective with a for-profit college is to make money $$$$$ and alot of it! And all of that money is being drawn out from us, the students. Rather than using that money in improving on the quality of an education that a student recieves, in the for-profits perspective, they would rather use that money in funding the pockets of their shareholders!
The tution they charge at this school is very expensive as well!
An AAS Associate of Applied Science Degree at Heald, costs between $18, 000 to $20, 000 depending on which program you enroll in. This degree is not considered nor does it qualify as a legitimate/valid degree. The coursework units that you take towards an AAS Degree are not transferable to any Traditional Community College. This degree does not have the same Academic Level/Rigor as that of an Associates Degree at a Traditional Community College.
An AA Associate of Arts Degree at Heald, costs between $9, 000 to $10, 000 for 6 months of General Education Classses at an Accelerated Pace. This degree is considered a legitimate/valid degree and is transferable to certain CSU & UC Campuses in the State of California, and Hawaii Pacific University / University of Hawaii in Oahu.
Heald College is in the process of establishing a Bachelors Degree Program. However, in my own personal view, pursuing your Bachelors at a Traditional University is the way to go. A for-profit degree in most cases, is not widely accepted by Employers! If you were to decide to pursue your Bachelors at a for-profit institution, then decide later on to get your Masters at a Traditional University, it is highly unlikely that your units will transfer!
If you are planning on continuing your education at a for-profit institution, talk to other students who are currently attending or have graduated and get their perspective on things. Because once you walk through that door, Admission Reps will do all that they can to get you in! They have a quota to meet, and need to fufill their recruiting line needs. An Admissions Rep see's a prospective student as $$$$$$, you are profit to them!
- do not sign anything! If you are being pressured into signing a contract immediately, Leave Right Away!
- As a student you have the right to request financial aid information on the Degree Program Cost. If they choose not to disclose this information into you, they are in violation of Federal Regulations.
- Paying Point, is a very common tactic that Admissions Reps use to draw students in, for example; " do you want to be stuck working at this place your entire life? I thought the reason why you came in today was because you wanted to make a change in your life! Do you want to change your life? yes or no? "
- in addition to the Paying Point tactic, Admissions Reps are trained very well into seeing what is bothering you. Do not fall for this!
leslie c
October 19, 2010
Scam on Student Loans
If you want to be a victim of (scam) attend Heald College.. This is the worst school. The instructors try to act like they know every damn thing and don't know more than I know. Some of the staff, graduated at Heald, and they act like they ass just finished up in kindergarten and first grade. Financial Aid is not about bull shit, everyone that goes to heald here in Stockton, ca we should get together and help get this school closed down, because this school should not be in session..They talking about GET IN, GET OUT, GET AHEAD...Yeah right, GET IN, GET OUT, GET BROKE WHEN YOU'RE DONE, with this shit ass school..
October 13, 2010
student loan
August 2008 i decided to go to school, i went over to Heald College, speaking with the financial aid adviser i told him i would like to apply for a grant to pay for my education. he manipulated the form where i would not be eligible for a grant and applied me for stafford loan instead. with a grace period to decide if Heald was the school for me.. I went to school for 3 days .. no grace period a collector told me i owed 5, 389 for 3 days of school, the reason i am aware that the financial aid person manipulated the form so i couldnt get my grant I going to a community college and i did the form myself and it went thru. so if you every sign up for financial aid make sure they show you everything they are doing..
Yoyo cio
October 9, 2010
Harassment by Teacher
This letter was sent toAssociate Director, Healthcare Programs. which they want me to change my schedule instead of morning classes, they want me to take them at night. Thats how they want to fix the problem. I cannot be in an environment where the teacher makes fun of the errors I do in my test in front of the class or to someone else. The week before the end of the quarter, I was doing a test setting up trays and then he decided to check my test and bring up my mistakes in front of the classmates.
For example, the day I was setting up several trays during this test, one of them was for Pap smear and I wrote “Q-tip stead of cervical swab.” He was making fun of what I wrote in front of other classmates. I do not appreciate that kind of behavior from a teacher. A teacher should help the student succeed, supporting, helping answer any questions students will have, not to make the student insecure when learning. When I ask him where is he reading from the book, he says, “It is not my problem.”Another incident happened when he was teaching and he asked if anyone had a question and I raised my hand to ask where he was reading, his answer was “ do you need glasses to see where I am reading?” of course in front of the whole class. That was embarrassing for me. This happened almost in the beginning of the quarter.
I am paying a lot of money to attend this school, for a better future and education, and by having this kind of teacher; it is not going to help me learn because he makes me feel very humiliated. This problem is affecting me at home, spiritually and in my daily life. I do not want this problem to affect me anymore. I need to have a different teacher than Mr. Messiah.
fedupwiththe scams
July 13, 2010
Harassesed by the staff, no job placement, threaten they would take legal action against me
Heald College is very unprofessioal, they have low opinions about students. I graduated from Heald College in 2008 at the Rancho campus, I never recieved assistance in job placement. Even after I brought it up their attention. I transferred to the Roseville campus, (huge mistake). I wanted to get a degree in the Criminal Justice program. In November 2009 I lost my job, I had to take the quarter off because I had trouble with EDD. I didnt' have money for gas, rent, food, I was receiving eviction notice from my landlard. I took the responsiblity of taken the quarter off because no gas money and Heald College attendance policy. I spoke to Student Services and Financial and took the quarter off with the intentions to return. On Feberuary 2, I was in the LRC using their computers for job seeking. Conrad Woodall, CJ Director approaches me, hitting me on the arm with a piece of paper, askes me to come into his office. When I am in his office he tells me I have to leave campus and I was not allowed on campus. He was rude, very hostile and unprofessional. I went back to the LRC to log out of the computer. Conrad Woodall and Dick Gonzales, Academic Affairs Director follow me, escorting me out as if I am criminal. Conrad Woodall was laughing at my face, walking directly behind me, when I told him he didn't have to escort me out as if I am a criminal. he made the comment, "Dont' act like a criminal and I won't call security!" when I went downstairs to talk to somone in a higher position. Conrad Woodall followed me telling me to speak to the Director. The financial director comes and the first thing she ask me if I applied for Financial Aide, (Yes all she cared about if they were being paid). Conrad Woodall walked away laughing at me face about how they were treating me. Since then I have received a complete run around about my education, they never took responsiblity for what they did, they will not refund my lender for the CJ program. I have filed complaints and now I am getting an attorney. Guy Adams, President of Heald, threaten legal action against me if I didn't sign a Confidential Agreement and Release. They sent me to collections for a balance they charged me for transfering schools. If I would have signed this protects them from me sharing my experience at Heald College. I refused to sign and when I asked for a copy Guy Adams would not give me a copy. I told him I needed a copy to get legal advise. His excuse was he didnt' have a copy machine? We were at his office, plenty of copy machines. He finally had no choice but to give me a copy. Guy Adams was so confident that I would give in to his threat that he signed this before I did. The next day he is calling me to see if I was going to sign and if not to return the copy to him. All they cared about was protecting themselves. They claim they did not know I was a graduate! I was told by Guy Adams I was not a paying student. Excuse me! They were paid for Business Skills program and for the CJ program!! I never recieved a resolution even after I received a letter from Nolan Miura, CEO of Heald College that they would contact me in 30 days. They never got back to me. THIS SCHOOL IS A SCAM! I HAVE HEARD STAFF MEMBERS MOCKING STUDENTS WHEN THEY SCORE LOW ON TEST. They lie! They lie!.They made an assumption about me with no facts for evidence because I am Hispanic! This Conrad Woodall used his prejudice behavior to enforce authority he does not have!! Anyone who write positive things about Heald College is a dam liar! I know what I am been through with these people. I intend to follow up with an attorney and keep writing letters the Government. This is FEderal money they keep while misleading students who are anxious to make a change in their lives..
June 7, 2010
I am a retire college professor from a State accredit college. After I retire I taught two quarters at Heald "College". I quit after two quarters; the eduction quality is a joke at best. The cost to attend is outrageous -Heald charges more per year than the U C system charges. What Heald is stating that the units the students have taken at Heald will transfer to a State accredit college is 'iffy' at best. One thing Heald is an expert in doing is getting student loans. Why the government has not shut them down is beyond me.
May 20, 2010
Over charging students
Hello to everyone in here who have been victimized by Heald. I also atteded Heald in 2006 to 2008 and didn't get my degree due to a big misunderstandings, confusion, and lies by ALL staff from Heald. I am not going to go through the whole story because it just angers me to much. All I can say is that now I owe over $2, 000 to Heald and they are now in collection, on top of my $15, 000 student loans. I did exit Heald not owing them a dime and all my loans where through Citi Bank. How did they come up with me owing them over $2, 000??
I am going to talk to a lawyer and will like for your support, if anyone here would like to join me and get answers please email me at [email protected]. I appreciate it and God bless.
Stacey lockett
January 25, 2010
Kicked out of Heald
I have been a student at Heald College since January 2007. Two weeks ago the new Quarter began and I had my classes and all. I go to the office to change my major, and they said I no longer qualify to be a student at Heald and they kicked me out of school! I just recently had a baby and was taking my classes online. I ended up being hospitalized after I had my baby because I ended up getting a disorder called toxemia and it can be fatal if not properly treated. The bad part about that is you can get it during pregnancy, but I got it after which is highly rare. Heald wanted me to contact them when it was time for me to have the baby because I was taking 3 online classes. I contacted them, and I also emailed them when I got home to let my instructors know what had happened to me. I failed my classed because of my hospitalization. So also in the past I got dropped twice for health reasons and they knew it. So since this has all happened, I got kicked out and was 5 monthhs away from getting my AAS degree. I am so angry! Now I owe 20, 000 that I don't have and no degree, and no job! I am angry. They are one big scam.
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